
发布时间:2023-04-18 17:48:35 阅读:73 点赞:0

关于”生活记忆深刻是“英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:What I remember deeply is。以下是关于生活记忆深刻是小学英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:What I remember deeply is

When I was a child, my parents always took me to Beijing, Zhuhai, Guilin and other places to travel. But as I grew up, I had too much presse to study. I hardly had time and ener to travel.

I could go to many distant scenic spots. In the wonderful world of books and television, I learned about Rio de Janei fm books recently. I felt very excited and wanted to travel there.

Rio de Janei is located on the Atlantic coast. It is the second largest city in Brazil. I like the climate of Rio de Janei.

The ocean climate is very comfortable. It will nr become too dry or too wet. I like the betiful beach.

I always form a picte in my mind. On the beach, I imagine myself walking on the beach. The sun in the afternoon is very mild.

I feel the soft wind blowing thugh my face. I can see it The sun moves slowly below the sea ll, like a hot, red ball falling into the water. Some gulls are flying on it.

The sea and others are resting on the boat. I take off my shoes. Soft sand flows thugh my toes.

Small waves sometimes run to me to wet my pants. Like a nghty child, I enjoy the feast of my body and spit. Now I know the bety of nate The most betiful in the world, I just go, go, go.




Shanxi Pvince is located in the west of Taihang Mountain and adjacent to Hebei, Henan, Shaanxi and Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. It is located in the east of the Yellow River. In the spng and Autumn peod, it was also called Shanxi Hedong.

Shanxi Pvince covers an area of square kilometers (about square miles) and has a population of than 10000, including the population of ethnic minoties. The pvincial capital is Taiyuan city. In high altitude areas, the climate of Shanxi Pvince is cold and dry, and the annual rainfall is beeen millimeters.

It is often attacked by sandstorms, especially in spng. Therefore, it is very useful to wear sunglasses and hats ding sightseeing. Generally speaking, the climate in Shanxi is the best fm May to October.

Shanxi is one of the birthplaces of Chinese civilization, with a long history. The traditional culte was formed as early as 100 years ago. Thousands of years ago, the ancestors of the Chinese nation lived and multiplied on this land.

It is said that the founder of the Chinese nation, Huang Di, once lived in Shanxi for a peod of time. In the vast Shanxi Pvince, there are still many Neolithic sites. Shanxi has a long history and ancient culte Shanxi is often called "Chinese ancient architecte" becse of its ch traces and most of its ancient buildings were built before the Liao and Song dynasties.

The most obvious ones are the Buddhist wonders in Yung Gttoes in Datong, the oldest and highest ancient wooden pagoda in China, the ancient city of Pinao, Yingxian Wooden Pagoda, and the remote Shuanglin temple and Jinci temple, which are listed as world cultal hetage by UNESCO. Of cose, Shanxi also has many advantages Among them, the most famous are Wutai Mountain, Hukou watell of Yellow River and Hengshan, one of the Five Sacred Mountains in China.





Everyone has an unforgettable expeence. When I was five years old, my parents took me to the city zoo. It was a hot summer day, so when we were walking nd, most of the animals were lying down to enjoy the cool.

I suddenly saw a black leopard squatting on the side of a hill in the fence. The Panther jumped over the wall and jumped on the back of an old lady eating a hambger. The old lady let out a scream, fell down fm her seat and collapsed on the concrete pavement.

Instead of attacking the old lady, the Panther picked up the hambger she had dpped after swallowing the hambger. The Panther be to walk nd the cafetea and many people were watching it. A child saw it outside and exclaimed excitedly, "Mom, look, I'm going to take a picte of that leopard.

When the leopard lay on the gund, the little boy ran to the leopard and sat on its back. The leopard stood, the boy carrying it, be to run to the zoo gate, disappeared in the dusk in the city. I took some pictes of a boy ding a leopard, an expeence I will nr forget.).





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