
发布时间:2024-03-20 17:20:25 阅读:19 点赞:0

关于”请示报告“英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Request report。以下是关于请示报告雅思英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Request report

Chemical laboratory sample (this is one of my chemical laboratory assiments menttitle: cooling and heating cve of pe substances Objective: To investigate the cooling pcess of liquid p-chlobenzene and study the heating pcess of solid p-chlobenzene determination and compason of p-chlobenzene mateal: instrument: R ser and annular support bette clamp bner wire mesh, with ceramic central tube mm) beaker ml) 2 thermometer laboratory apn safety Goggle reagent: p-chlobenzene pcede: it's too long for this lab. I can't type it. This is just how you complete the expement and list them step by step.

If necessary, you can also chart observations: in general, this is the data you record in the entire laboratory data sheet, and the conclusion should be customized for each LA: summaze yo data and observations and draw conclusions. Sometimes, we just use this part to answer objective questions (the goal of the lab) and follow up questions: answer any questions. The questions are assied to the back of the lab.

after all, this is just an example of a high school lab. if you want to find a template for a college chemistry lab, I think the details will be specific. Generally speaking, it's like you can wte yo own one, as long as you can Think you know what you've done and you have fun.




A witness told about a traffic accident. My name is Li Ming. I was studying in university a week ago.

I saw a traffic accident. It is still vivid in my mind. It is about on the Satday morning of June when I went out of the university to visit a fend of another university.

I was walking leisely on the sidewalk, and I heard a loud noise at the junction of o cars. Two cars came out There was a car rental collision. It was a traffic accident.

I went up to find that o taxis were seously damaged, both hooves were deformed, one door was knocked open and lying on the ad, one dver was bleeding, the other was locked in the taxi, some people were trying to their dver out of the damaged car, one was calling the traffic police station, many cars were blocked, obviously, the o taxis were dving too fast, but this is just what I think One of the reasons is that taxi dvers are eager to carry passengers and earn money. On the other hand, both dvers don't care about each other. They want to run ahead of the other.

Therefore, accidents are inevitable. We should let dvers remember that taking care of others' lives means taking care of their own lives.




My mother is a kind and gentle woman. She is always very culted. She takes good care of her children and keeps them in school.

I have a bther and o sisters. She has fo children. She gives us all the comfort.

We all love her. She also loves us. Mother has too much to do in raising us becse o family is too poor to have a servant, my mother P always has to do a lot of work.

She gets up early and goes to bed late ry day. She works hard, but she is also a thfty and industous woman. She saved ry cent she could to keep rything in order.

Becse she has been very busy since childhood, she looks older than her age, her face is wnkled, her hair has tned silver white, but she works hard as she often says to us, "work while you work, play while you play. If you don't work, you will become lazy and useless to society." what good advice is this? We must chesh it and always keep it in mind.




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