标准的英文书信格式_Standard letter 2篇

发布时间:2022-06-06 05:04:13 阅读:124 点赞:0

关于”标准书信“英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Standard letter。以下是关于标准书信四级英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Standard letter

Hello, Gao Xia, long time no see. I have something to tell you. My fend, Jane Newell, is coming to China.

She is an Amecan. She wants to come to Beijing to collect some papers and mateals. She wants to go to Beijing National Library to read some books.

She also wants to meet some Chinese people. I hope you can her. Her English is very good.

You can teach her Chinese. You will become a good fend. Thank you.

Play Have fun, Zhang Lu, May 2.




My 14-year-old son, John, and I found this coat at the same time. It was on the shelf of a second-hand clothing store in Northampton, Massachusetts. It was filled with shoddy windcoats and all kinds of pathetic wool coats, while others g down.

The coat looked thick. Double breasted Chesterfield's black wool was soft and uncut It was as if it had been preserved in mothballs for years in the trunk of Uncle Henry's old ship. The coat has a black velvet collar, a betiful cut, a Fifth Avenue label, and an incredible dollar pce.

We looked at each other and said nothing, but John's eyes flashed with black wool. Coats were popular among age boys at the time, but new ones could cost dreds of dollars. This coat is better, with a classical elece fm the past.

John tned into a satin sle lining, tned into a satin sle lining, and quickly tned into a r. It fits perfectly. John went to school in his coat the next day and came home with a gn.

"Do the kids like yo coat?" I asked, "they like it," he said, folding it carefully on the back of his chair and oothing it out. I be to call him "Lord Chesterfield" and "the Great Gaty." over the next few weeks, John's attitude changed, agreement replaced contradiction, quiet, rational discussion replaced argument. He became wiser, polite, considerate, eager to have a good dinner, mom He would say ry night that he would geneusly lend the tape to his bther and tell him the details of his behavior without any objection.

One day, when I suggested that he start doing his homework before dinner, he would move in firewood. John was an expeenced pcrastinator.







The human body and mental health are closely related, living in the mental health, mental health will make people sick or n lead to physical abnormalities, physical exercise can not only enhance students' physical fitness, but also pmote students' mental health, which has a positive effect, specifically reflected in the following aspects: physical exercise has laid a solid mateal foundation for the dlopment of mental health; second, the mind of physical activity Barber show is the third motive force, physical activities can pmote the dlopment of self-consciousness; the reason why physical exercise can carry out good sports activities is becse students themselves can achi thugh sports, so it not only enhances the physical quality of students, but also plays a positive le in pmoting students' mental health.



标签: 女孩英文名 

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