楚门的世界英文观后感_Truman's view of the world 3篇

发布时间:2022-07-03 07:48:31 阅读:138 点赞:0

关于”楚门世界观后感“英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Truman's view of the world。以下是关于楚门世界观后感高二英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Truman's view of the world

We all know that animals are o fends. Like all animals, but I like dogs. The best dogs are not only very cute, but also very ful.

That's why we all feed o dogs at home. I often share happiness with it and pass it by. It belongs to me three years ago.

It is called "Betty". In other words, we should regard them as o true fends. Do you agree with me.





The world is always full of blood. There are too many wars, so ryone is on guard against others. Howr, many false things follow the ancient battlefield, which is obvious than in a high and low place: in modern society, the thorn behind is difficult to prnt.

In modern times, art people are those who know how to use people, becse the United States lnched a war in Iraq, and the United States has a big impact on Iraq Weapons of mass destruction (WMD) attacked the gund but occupied Iraq becse no chemical or biological weapons were found. Then they would say that when reviewing the investigation data and finding mistakes, the United States can always use its war rumors to wander aund. But who knows the fate of North Korea in the fute? The United States has lnched an atomic bomb attack on the Chinese Embassy in Yugoslavia, but they are threatened A bad accident was taken to the Chinese government.

The Chinese government thinks that they have reflected too many innocent casualties. This is also the reason why Chinese missiles mistakenly bombed the White House. It explained that since the technolo is so advanced, the United States will repeatedly mistakenly bomb.

What's , China and the United States iore international law and obstruct the United Nations, but iore the stng opposition of the local people. I suspect Annan is Is it just the puppet society of the U.S. government? A gup of corrupt officials in China have been arrested, and corrupt officials have been ousted for a long time.

This is not strange. In any country in GuangGuan County, the fute of the world is a one-way ad leading to evil.




To be honest, as a young Chinese, watching a documentary film has such a pfound understanding of China, but it is completely made by the United Kingdom. It is not very good to make such a good pduction. Fortunately, China's wilderness does not belong to any government in the political world.

This really frees me fm the idea that China's bety can only be presented to the world by China. Is the world In the beginning, there was no government or country. Animals didn't have to carry ID cards with the words "I'm a citizen".

There were so many mountains, vers and forests, and they cssed than one country. Don't forget the sky. Every living create under the nate belongs to ryone, not to anyone.

So anyone who has the will and ability to make a book about the world's nate People in documentaes should be able to enjoy , especially when it's so wonderful. As a super fan of B's natal history unit sees, ry good sees is like planet I came acss this one recently, which spsed me becse I nr realized that China is so colorful and full of amazing natal wonders. Like most Westerners, my view of China is exactly what we see on the news with backgund pictes of Beijing and the Great Wall.

What's particularly good is that the filmmakers in each episode have It includes the life of the local people. Many interesting local cultes exist in the pockets, and each pocket has ch cultal traditions that date back dreds of years. Well, we're doing something to document this, and before they disappear under the presse of modern ways, the filmmakers also pointed out the huge pblems facing wildlife, which come fm the presse of humans to occupy the land where animals and birds live, and also point out that in some parts of China, wild animals eat rything that cses them to die For the first time in my history, I feel that I will visit China to see its natal history and people.


老实说,作为一个岁年轻人,看一部记录片,对有如此深刻了解,却完全由英国制作,制作如此精良,感觉不太好,但幸运是,荒原不属于世界中任何,这确实让我从美丽只能由呈现给世界想法中解脱出来,难道世界身在一开始就没有任何或国家吗,动物也不必随身携带写着“我是公民”身份证,有那么多山川、河流和森林,穿越了不止一个国家,别忘了天空,大自然下面每一个生物都不属于任何人,只属于每个人,所以任何有意愿和能力制作一部关于世界自然纪录片人都应该能够享受自由特别是当它如此美妙时候,作为B自然历史单元系列节目超级粉丝,每一个好系列节目,就像《星球地球》(Planet Earth)一样,我最近才遇到这个,这让我大吃一惊,因为我从来没有意识到是如此丰富多彩,充满了令人惊叹自然奇观,就像大多数西方人一样,我对看法正是我们在新闻上看到有北京和长城背景图片频道特别好是,制作人在每一集中都包含了当地人生活。许多有趣地方文化存在于口袋里,每个口袋里都有丰富文化传统可以追溯到几百年前。很好,我们正在做一些事情来记录这一点在它们在现代方式压力下消失之前,制作人还指出了野生动物面临巨大问题,这些问题来自于人类对占用动物和鸟类栖息地土地压力,同时也指出了在一些地区,野生动物会吃掉所有导致它们亡东西对于珍稀动物被猎杀牟利,这是我有史以来第一次觉得我将访问,看看它自然历史和。

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