介绍家庭的英语作文50字_50 words about family 2篇

发布时间:2022-07-08 08:20:56 阅读:235 点赞:0

关于”介绍家庭50字“英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:50 words about family。以下是关于介绍家庭50字小学英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:50 words about family

On Fday, a gas leak bke out in Shenyang. Firefighters put out a fire csed by a seous gas leak. No casualties have been reported, but the fire cut off power to many residents in the area.

The local government said the accident occred on Nanwu Road, one of the most famous schools in Northeast China's Liaoning pvincial capital An undergund gas pipeline bst and cght fire dung ad construction near a major traffic artery. A ppada official of the municipal government said the construction company would be responsible for the accident becse it had started digging before the undergund pipeline was located. Before the fire was put out, the flame had flown than meters and the high-voltage power lines had been destyed.

But the accident csed blackouts in the area and the close of restrants, shops and banks. "The power supply is expected to recover in six to sn hos," Tang said, adding that the accident also affected the gas supply to nearby residents and csed traffic congestion in the city center.




My family has a happy family, including my father, my mother and myself. When she was young, my mother was a succesul fashion salean. My mother liked to decorate the om.

Whenr we had a family party, my father always told jokes and made the house collapse. I love my family, with my family.




There are fo people in my family. My mother is a housewife. She takes good care of my family.

My father is an individual laborer. He has made great efforts for the whole family. I am a high school student, and my sister is a pmary school student.

O family lives happily together.



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