
发布时间:2024-04-05 03:37:17 阅读:26 点赞:0

关于”商业成最主要因素“英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:The most important factor in business success。以下是关于商业成最主要因素初一英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The most important factor in business success

In my career planning in high school, I found chemistry, physi and mathemati very interesting. In fact, I was very interested in many subjects, such as history and English, but somehow I couldn't remember histocal nts or facts, and I couldn't remember English words. On the other hand, chemical physi and mathemati were very easy for me, becse after consideng my interests and talents, I thought that science or engineeng could I think the best choice for me to go back to university or to study in higher education is to go back to the university to teach science.




The importance of persrance to success. After reading the book "how steel is tempered", I realized how important the persrance in one's life is. This book vividly descbes how Pl grew up in the fnace of revolution.

In the long pcess of war and suffeng in China, Pl's life was very ugh, but persrance gave him infinite stren. Later, young Pl got up becse of illness, but his indomitable persrance relying on himself has passed. The persrance of persisting in work is the parents of success.

It is a kind of tenacity, a kind of accumulation and a unity The performance of persrance is often a person in the most difficult time to show the terble stren is there, people will not be difficult to bow down, not be knocked down by setbacks, but stnger to face them, and they have defeated, succesul I learned to de a bicycle, continue to fall on the grass, stand up, fall, stand up.




Love is one of the basic attbutes of human beings. Marage is a natal and extremely effective envinment for the dlopment of love. Therefore, the love beeen men and women leads to marage and marage, which bngs family and family.

Family pvides a framework for each family member, so that each family member can gw into a person full of love and secuty. In theory, marage is the bdge of love Liang, family love is the foundation of marage, while marage is the dlopment of love. In the past, people often get mared without their own consent, that is to say, without their own love expeence, their parents arranged for o people to get mared, one male and one female.

They were completely strangers. They mared and became huand and wife. They knew nothing about each other before.

Of cose, love is an inseparable book These o types of marage often lead to unhappiness. Tragic stoes about miatched couples are often heard, so love is the basis of marage, and marage without love will not be happy. With the dlopment of society, love becomes noble, cher, delicate and sule.

Sometimes love is mantic lovers, and they don't pay much attention to the tvial matters in daily life. Some people fall in love at first sight and get mared in a hry. They usually iore the commitment required by marage.

They may encounter some pblems in marage and ntually lead to divorce, which seems to pve that marage is not what people usually think That's mantic, but in the daily life of the family, mutual respect and compmise are realistic. In this sense, marage is an extension of marage. If marage achis the function of repduction, then the family can continue.

Howr, nothing can fulfill the function of family effectively than love. The love of huand and wife, the love of parents and children, and the love of family members can pave the way for a better fute of the family. A family that can bear hardships and stand hard and pass down fm generation to generation is love and harmony.

Love is the foundation of marage and family. A famous person once said that in an existing world, there is no powerful force than love. Love needs to be reflected in the way of cooperation and shang, and with a happy marage, the family will be happy.





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