
发布时间:2024-04-10 19:10:32 阅读:30 点赞:0

关于”带摘要“英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:With summary。以下是关于带摘要高一英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:With summary

In order to achi better results in the new semester, I decided to strenen my English study. As we all know, you can't aim at a duck, so it is necessary to take action. Therefore, I took part in an extraccular activity in the summer vacation.

I will discuss this plan with you in detail. First of all, in the long run, grammar learning English must be the most important part of pgress, so I read a book about details in the first month, and the clses and object clses have been out of breath; second, I have finished reading a book called the ddle, and I have expanded my vocabulary to a larger pblem. At first, it is difficult to remember so many words, But I didn't give up.

As long as you can stick to it, you will succeed in the end. With the of my tutor, many phonetic pblems have been solved very well, and I prefer to accept English better than general English. Consideng these factors, we can not difficult to draw such a conclusion: I really spent a substantial holiday this summer, and ry great achiment is a flame The story of bning heart, I will try my best to achi success in the fute RPGE.




The determination of bon in salted jellyfish by ICPAES (inductively coupled plaa atomic emission spectmetry) was studied. Thugh ashing and digestion, the instrument parameters were optimized to make it suitable for ICPAES determination. Results the method can accately determine the content of bon in salted fish, the detection limit is mgkg, and the relative deviation is less than 0.05.

Conclusion the method is , and has little interference. It is suitable for the determination of bon in salted jellyfish.




)The LORD God made man out of the dust of the earth, and breathed the breath of life into his nostls, and man became a living soul "It is not good for that man to be alone," says the LORD God. "I will make him meet with him. And the LORD God made Adam sleep, and he fell asleep.

And he took one of his bs instead of flesh, and the b which the LORD God took fm man, and made a woman, and bught her to the manger. And Adam said, this is the bone of my bones, and the flesh of my flesh, and she shall be called woman, becse she was bught out fm the mantle ot. Therefore men shall leave their parents and come near to their wives, and they shall become one flesh body.




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