关于爱的英文作文_love 4篇

发布时间:2022-07-01 09:42:38 阅读:129 点赞:0



Once upon a time, there was an island where all the emotions lived: happiness, sadness, knowledge, and all the others, including love. One day, one day, someone announced to the emotion that the island would sink, so all the people built boats and left. In addition to love, love was the only one who stayed.

Love wanted to hold on to the last possible moment when the island almost sank Love decided to ask for . Richness passed by love in a big boat and said, "wealth, can you take me with you?" fortune replied, "no, I can't have a lot of gold and silver on my boat. There's no place for you here." Love decided to ask Vanity who also went thugh a betiful boat, "vanity, please me." "I can't you, love you are wet and may damage my boat," Xu said "Oh, I can't n tell you how happy I am when I'm alone with an old man." Oh, I'm so happy to hear a love call fm an old man, When the old man realized how much money he owed the old man, he asked knowledge.

Another elder, "who ed me?" "it's time," knowledge replied, "time asks love." but why does time me? With a ile of deep wisdom, knowledge replied, "becse only time can understand the value of love.".




My love is like an ocean, sinking into the abyss. My love is like a se. You want to keep its bety.

My love is like an endless ver. My love is like a dove with betiful messages. My love is like a song.

It lasts forr. My love is like a p. I srender to you|.




(love) true love comes fm my parents. Love bngs me into this world. Love takes me thugh a healthy childhood.

Without love, I will be lost in all kinds of emotions. Without love, I can't find a warm ile. Without love, I can't see my fends and family.

Becse of love, I know the meaning of my existence.



标签: 女孩英文名  宠物英文名 

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