关于中生减负的英语作文_Burden reduction of middle school students 2篇

发布时间:2022-07-08 16:05:07 阅读:151 点赞:0

关于”中生减负“英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Bden reduction of middle school students。以下是关于中生减负高三英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Bden reduction of middle school students

Haze is a kind of air pollution. It mixes with dust, oke and other dry particles to make the sky fuzzy and interact with the natal envinment. Becse this air pollutant comes fm a vaety of natal and man-made soces.

The natal soces include wind blown dust, and the oke and dust generated by wildfires also include the bning of tomobiles, vehicles and industal fuels. The manufacting industry is one of the main cses of haze. Many factoes are overpduction and pduce excessive og, which seously affects the air to become air pollution.

The components of haze may have a negative impact on people's health, especially on human health Children and the elderly also do not rule out that people with asthma, allergies, pneumonia and lung diseases and other diseases work in the open air has a high sk to their health. One of the effective ways to eliminate haze is to carry out some chemical changes in the manufacting pcess, so it can reduce the harmful emissions pduced by the manufacting industry.




As a student, I am very happy to see that the bden of study has reduced endless homework, class makes me crazy, we all hate learning, but we have no choice but to accept that the bden of learning is gradually reduced: we don't have to study so early, we have less and less work, on weekends and holidays, we don't have to worry about make-up lessons, we can have free time Play s with students and fends, have time to rest, watch o favote movies and TV, read some interesting books. Have a good rest, us to meet the arval of the cose, of cose, there is spit, we can not fully study. No free time means that we can make full use of time to impve learning efficiency.

In a word, lightening the bden is beneficial to all students.





In the past, high school students' homework bden was very heavy. They spent a few hos in the classom ry day to finish their homework, so they could only sleep less than a few hos, so their free time was only three hos. As a result, their health was seously damaged.

The situation was getting better and better. Five hos spent in class and the time for homework was reduced Two hos, so they have eight hos of sleep and o hos to do whatr they want.



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