
发布时间:2023-05-09 12:13:10 阅读:74 点赞:0

关于”简单题目“英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Simple topic。以下是关于简单题目专业英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Simple topic

Food is dominated by French and Italian food. Its status in the west is just like Cantonese, Chinese and Sichuan cuisine. The traditional French menu is usually than dishes.

Under the feast of customs and traditions, Western food is and modern and simplified. Today's popular Western food is usually divided into five dishes: the first pot > Tom > vegetables > main cose > dessert. Western style emphasizes the contents of vaous mateals Caloes (caloes) and nutents are reasonable.

Cooking methods are reflected in raw mateals. Pay attention to the taste and retain dietary fiber to make the food you chew oginal. This is especially reflected in the taste of steak.

The raw mateals and cooking methods used in food are different fm those of Chinese food. Of cose, with its unique flavor, you may not be able to taste Chinese food if you taste real food It's delicious.




2:简单话题,First of all, I finished all my winter vacation homework. My clasates said that I opened a new bookstore downstairs in winter. Then I went out of the bookstore to read and saw my grandfather's glasses fall on the gund.

So I couldn't find any to pick it up. Then the old man gave me a red envelope for the Spng Festival, which I like, becse I ed the old man, so I got a pfessional red envelope.




3:简单题目,My travel expeence I like traveling very much, becse I like different places. I have been to many places since I was a child, such as seeing the sea, climbing mountains, going to the World Expo, visiting the Forbidden City, climbing the Great Wall, and the betiful West Lake I like to travel and different scenic spots.



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