
发布时间:2024-03-07 15:40:27 阅读:16 点赞:0

关于”有关国庆节“英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:About National Day。以下是关于有关国庆节小学英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:About National Day

October 1 this year is China's national day, the golden week holiday for 8 days, and according to the new regulations, all expressways in China are free of charge ding the eight day holiday, so many people choose to travel by themselves. Although this can save a lot of money, in this peod of time, we can see that due to the huge traffic flow, thousands of people are in traffic jam on the highway, which is very high in the past Less often, and when they arve at their destination, they find that they are already full of people, which makes their travel worse.




National Day is a legal holiday in China. Since then, the toll of bdge in o country is free of charge for 8 days. Many people choose to travel by car, which cses seous traffic congestion all over the country.

Many places are hard to pass thugh all day. This is supposed to be a happy holiday. It tns into a traffic jam holiday.

Traffic jam bngs a lot of inconvenience to people becse we don't feel the traffic jam The convenience and happiness of going out, so I suggest that people should choose a travel ute wisely to avoid rush ho and cwded places. We all try o best to a ooth national day for oselves.




Among many festivals, National Day is a very important festival. It is a festival to commemorate the country itself, that is to say, it is the birthday of China, so it is also the birthday of ry Chinese. In October, we declared o independence.

Therefore, fm then on, we be to make October o national day. National Day is a festival for the people of the whole country. Except for some special industes, ryone has sn days' rest and study, becse we can't stop rything.

This special festival makes ryone remember this special day. At the same time, the ppose of this festival is to show stren, confidence and cohesion How to celebrate the patotic achiments of all Chinese citizens is an important part of the nation itself. She not only gave us sn days off, but also did a lot of things for us, such as holding grand celebrations, encoaging people to hold ceremonies, issuing free highway policies, opening some scenic spots no matter how to the public, and so on Happy National Day.



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