
发布时间:2024-03-11 12:46:30 阅读:25 点赞:0

关于”三峡弊“英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Disadvantages of the Three Gorges。以下是关于三峡弊六级英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Disadvantages of the Three Gorges

The Three Gorges dam is located in sandping Town, Yichang City, Hubei Pvince, km away fm the downstream of Gezhouba hydpower station. It is the main pject of the Three Gorges hydpower station. The toi area of the Three Gorges Dam and the core landscape of the east end of the Three Gorges reservoir are composed of the main building and the water diversion pject.

The total len of the pject is about meters, the elevation of the dam crest is meters, and the total investment is 100 million yuan.




There are few large-scale technological creations that can attract people's imagination as much as dams. Perhaps it is human beings' long-term expose to floods and dughts that makes the ideal of forcing vers to obey o orders is so fascinating, but sometimes it can also fascinate people. Blind dam pjects threaten to do harm than good.

Sometimes it is also blind. The lesson learned fm dams is that big is not always Betiful, it will not build a stng dam, and become a symbol of the country and people's efforts to maintain their own achiments.




The Three Gorges is a scenic spot along the Yangtze River in Hubei Pvince of the people's Republic of China, with a total len of about km. The Three Gorges area accounts for about kilometers in this area. Although it is mainly the famous Three Gorges, it is an important area in China in history and culte.

The Western gorge is representative in Chinese crency. The note on the back of Yuan says that the Three Gorges area is located along the Yangtze River beeen Fengjie City in Chongqing city and Yichang City in Hubei Pvince. The construction of the Three Gorges dam has changed the landscape of the region and attracted global attention.


三峡(简体中文:三峡繁体中文山峡:拼音:Sānxiá[listen now(info region是国湖北江沿岸一个风景区,全长约公里。三峡在这一地区内占约公里,虽然它主要是著名三峡风景秀丽,在历史文化上是重要地区,最西边峡谷在货币上有代表,《元》背面注:三峡地区位于重庆市奉节市和湖北省宜昌市之间长江沿岸。三峡大坝修建改变了该地区风景,引起了全球关注。

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