
发布时间:2022-11-24 05:39:49 阅读:158 点赞:0

关于”人对手机依赖“英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:People's dependence on mobile phones。以下是关于人对手机依赖xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:People's dependence on mobile phones

Every coin has o sides, so does the mobile phone. On the one hand, it is a convenient tool for us to communicate with others, so that we don't have to worry about where we are, when and where we are. With the increasing populaty of mobile s, many people indulge in playing s, killing time to do something not worth doing.

For the dlopment of mobile phones, we need to use mobile phones correctly, becse mobile phones are a normal phenomenon in school, and many things have their advantages and disadvantages. Chatting with fends thugh S is an interesting thing. It is very convenient to communicate with parents who have mobile phones.

Howr, it is obvious that carrying mobile phones will interfere with classom teaching and lead to compason beeen students. Therefore, the attitude towards mobile phones should be to phibit the use of mobile phones in schools and call on students to concentrate on their studies. Now mobile phones are becoming and popular among middle school students.

I think we can bng mobile phones to school. The centy is a modern era full of information. Mobile phones are one of the fas tools for us to exchange information.

Mobile phones are fashionable and useful inventions. So we should make full use of them. Suppose there is an accident and there are some s in the mobile phones.

When we are tired of learning, we should make full use of them We can relax oselves by playing s. In my opinion, it is not wng to follow the fashion, but the most important thing is how to use the mobile phone correctly.





Every coin has o sides, so does the mobile phone. On the one hand, it is a convenient tool for us to communicate with others, so that we don't have to worry about where we are, when and where we are. With the increasing populaty of mobile s, many people indulge in playing s, killing time to do something not worth doing.

For the dlopment of mobile phones, we need to use mobile phones correctly, becse mobile phones are a normal phenomenon in school, and many things have their advantages and disadvantages. Chatting with fends thugh S is an interesting thing. It is very convenient to communicate with parents who have mobile phones.

Howr, it is obvious that carrying mobile phones will interfere with classom teaching and lead to compason beeen students. Therefore, the attitude towards mobile phones should be to phibit the use of mobile phones in schools and call on students to concentrate on their studies. Now mobile phones are becoming and popular among middle school students.

I think we can bng mobile phones to school. The centy is a modern era full of information. Mobile phones are one of the fas tools for us to exchange information.

Mobile phones are fashionable and useful inventions. So we should make full use of them. Suppose there is an accident and there are some s in the mobile phones.

When we are tired of learning, we should make full use of them We can relax oselves by playing s. In my opinion, it is not wng to follow the fashion, but the most important thing is how to use the mobile phone correctly.





As we all know, mobile phones and comrs play an important le in o daily life, but I think they have advantages and disadvantages. Now many students in o class have invented mobile phones or comrs. They can keep in touch or search for news or information they need.

Generally speaking, with these tools, o life becomes convenient and fast. But sometimes, these communication tools will bng us some tuble. For example, dung class, someone's mobile phone ngs, so at this moment, this A clasate may feel entangled becse he or she has no intention of interrupting the teacher's teaching and other people's ideas.

Therefore, he or she must go out of the classom to answer. If o teacher continues to teach now, this student may miss what the teacher said. It is suggested that o mobile phones should be tned off in class.

In order to enable all students to study hard and make pgress in their studies, as far as I am concerned, I Instead of playing comr s crazily, we can use it to do what we as students should do.



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