
发布时间:2024-04-10 10:10:19 阅读:9 点赞:0

关于”写一篇“英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Wte a mother。以下是关于写一篇xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Wte a mother

Thank you very much. Thank you so much for bnging me so many years of life I have the opportunity to let me know those who love and be loved by me. Thank you, mom.

You are the grea person in the world. I want to say, I love you. Secondly, thank you for bnging me here with yo care.

When I was sick, I was healthy and stng. You always asked for leave to take care of me. You know, this is yo love for me, but when you were sick, I found that I nr took photos When I think of you, I feel ashamed when I think about it, mom, I should take care of you like yo son, but, mom, you know, you are a great cook, and I thank you for eating yo delicious food for so many years.

I want to say, I finally love you, thank you for teaching me how to be a humanitaan, learn to tell the truth and share, Forgive and be considerate. I have a lot of fends, life is very happy, thank you, mom, I love you, son.




Dear mother: Goodbye no, I miss you very much. How are you? And my sisters? Do they do their homework well? You see, the Spng Festival is coming. I've been looking forward to seeing you dung the Spng Festival.

Howr, I have to stay at school. I can't go home dung this winter vacation. I have to take the postgraduate entrance examination.

I have a lot of lessons to review. At the same time, I have to attend lectes by some famous pfessors. I think these lectes will give me a lot of knowledge, which I can't get fm textbooks.

I can't go back to celebrate the Spng Festival. I apologize. Everything goes well for you.

Please give my best wishes to my sisters on January 31.





Jane is not very well. She is seeing a doctor. Doctor: Good morning.

1 Jane: but my temperate is centigrade. Doctor: there are other symptoms. Jane: I feel very tired.

I have a pain all over my body. I sneeze a lot. I have a sore that doctor: you seem to have influenza.

Let me look at yo that and check yo pulse. Jane: 3 doctor: OK, it's coming. It's nothing Only a few days' rest can you recover.

I'll give you a prescption. Are you allergic to anything? Pharmacist: 4 doctor: then go to the pharmacy. Stay indoors, keep warm and dnk plenty of water.

Jane: Thank you, doctor. Is this seous? What's the tuble. You'll get better soon.

I don't agree with you. I'm not se. Is it here? I don't think so.

For example, kaft Janice went to see a doctor. Jane wte a letter to her mother who was far away fm home. The letter should include the following points: ① what's wng with Jane; ② how does the doctor check her; ③ what's the doctor's opinion on her disease; ④ what kind of treatment the doctor suggested to Jenna; in the letter to her mother on Apl 6, I felt very bad today.

I saw the doctor, and I told him at the beginning that I was I have a fr. I feel very tired. I have a sore whole body and a sore that.

The doctor thought I had influenza, and then he looked at my that, checked my pulse, and told me it was no big deal. He told me to rest for a few days and dnk water. Finally, he gave me some medicine, and I think it will be better soon.

Don't worry about me, yo dghter, Dr. jania, pcess ysis. After that, I told him that the doctor thought he told me what he wanted me to do.






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