
发布时间:2023-04-06 07:10:11 阅读:76 点赞:0

关于”介绍一下你校园生活“英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Intduce yo campus life。以下是关于介绍一下你校园生活xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Intduce yo campus life

My holiday is very comfortable. I stay at home and watch TV most of the time. For the first few days, I slept a few hos a day and relaxed a lot.

I went to see my cousin. She was only years old and lovely. She had big eyes and pink cheeks.

I went hiking. I was very tired. But it was fun to enjoy the natal bety and breathe the fresh air.




My sub scenes in Russian University are very betiful. I made a lot of fends there. They were very warm to me.

I remember when I went to Russia: interesting graffiti were all outside the wall. No matter the wall adjacent to the track or the prefabcated house was covered with graffiti, I felt very strange and excited. After all, in China, such scenery or few graffiti contents were good Bad, advertising, art, or expressing one's feelings are not phibited.

I'm afraid this kind of art will be like a dog's skin plaster in China. I say this is not to slander and flatter anyone. After all, Russia also has its advantages, compared with where we are.




When he finished speaking, the people beside him lghed with excent. The teacher was lecting, and the students were listening carefully. The house I bought last year has not been paid off.

You may have to share a bathom with five or six people. There may be no hot water. Some anchors of that news pgram refuse to report this news without the permission of the government.

The anchor of a news pgram opposes without official permission The students have been sitting in the classom for a long time. Many people think that the number is bad luck. When I was a child, my parents asked me to learn the piano for a peod of time.

But six months later, I was still playing the flower dance. In Alin's story, I could no longer stand. In aline's story, the characters are divided into hees, betiful women and bad guys.

When his team loses in the first , they are ugly and win at home. His response is so good that we can focus on minningrad instead of not losing.



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