
发布时间:2022-10-09 16:05:15 阅读:590 点赞:0

关于”青春期烦恼“英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:That Tender Age 。以下是关于青春期烦恼小学英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:That Tender Age

High school students have entered a sensitive stage. Their bodies are gwing so fast that their minds must keep pace with the changes. Boys and girls begin to realize the gender differences.

There will be some awkward moments beeen them. Pblem agers are tubling many agers becse they always bng pblems to girls. They want to look like business models So they go on a diet, fight ger for the boys, they want to be as cool as the hees on TV, so they pretend they don't care about anything and violate the school rules.

Teers have typical pblems. They can talk to their teachers or see a psychologist. They need to take a correct attitude towards these pblems, or they will go on the wng path.




Youth is any youth is the most gorgeous station of life travel, is the most magical station, is the most blliant station, youth is preant with inexhstible ener to excavate, excavate, release ry life is betiful, the allest flower can not be refused to open, green mountains can not stop, east flow after all as long as o ideal is still, as long as we do not give up, as long as we mic We can set sail with the sun before May, and we should be able to light up o life with the sun,.




At the beginning, love is always sweet. With the passage of time, boredom, habit, abandonment, loneliness, despair and sneer will gradually come. Later, we will be glad that we left him / her in that short time.

At that time, we thought we loved him / her deeply. We know that this is not love, but a lie to comfort oselves. Those you think you will not lose People, in fact, it is not difficult to forget them.

You shed tears, and there will be another one to please you and make yoself depressed. Finally, you find that those who don't love you are not worth it. Recalling those unpleasant things is not a comedy.

When yo wng love stops, a new world will show you. All sadness will become the history of love As often betiful than reality, and meet the same, there is also a separation, we think we will have a deep love for someone, the coming day will let you know that it is only very shallow, very shallow, the deepest and heaviest love must gw up with love, but o strangers will suddenly realize that they are sleeping in the same bed. When the o similar people break up, for example Say, I think you are and strange to me, it is love that makes o strangers become acquaintances, and then tns o acquaintances into strangers.



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