保护北极熊的英语作文_Protect polar bears 4篇

发布时间:2022-06-07 07:01:49 阅读:310 点赞:0

关于”保护北极熊“英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Ptect polar bears。以下是关于保护北极熊专八英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Ptect polar bears

Hungry polar bears begin to eat people. New pictes show that with global warming, polar bears begin to kill each other. The ting gunds where polar bears usually live on seals are destyed.

Polar bears t fm sea ice platforms. Howr, due to global temperate sing and sea ice melting, it is difficult for polar bears to t seals at sea. It is also common to restct these bears fm dwning on land The bear was forced to swim fther into the sea in search of food.

Their photos fther pve that polar bears are increasingly ting each other in despair. Scientists say they know that so far this year, the U.S. Geological Svey and the World Union for conservation of nate have found that o thirds of the world's polar bears may disappear in the next few years, becse warming temperates melt ice layers without sea ice habitats, and polar bears will not be able to svive for a long time.

There are other threats, such as oil and gas dlling, shipping and toxins Climate change and sea ice loss.




Polar bear is the world's largest land carnivore, also known as polar bear, skin is black, becse its hair is usually transparent, so the appearance is white, yellow and other colors, huge size, fierce bear equivalent to human vision and heang, but their sense of ell is very sensitive, is sn times the dog running, the fas speed can reach km / h, times the world meter champion With the increase of global temperate, the Arctic ice gradually be to melt, and the former residence of polar bear has been damaged to a certain extent. It is very likely that it will become extinct in the near fute, and human beings need to ptect it.




The tragedy of polar bears killing each other is not only a new picte of polar bears killing each other. Polar bears t fm sea ice platforms. Howr, due to global temperate sing and sea ice melting, it is difficult for polar bears to t seals at sea.

It is also common to restct these bears fm dwning on land, becse bears are forced to swim farther into the sea to find food. Their photos fther pve that polar bears are increasingly ting each other in despair. Scientists say they know so far this year that the U.S.

Geological Svey and the World Conservation Union have found that in the next few years, o-thirds of the world's polar bears are likely to disappear, becse warming temperates melt ice without sea ice habitats, and polar bears will not be able to svive for a long time. There are other threats, such as oil and gas dlling, shipping and toxins, but with gas Climate change and sea ice loss.



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