给母亲的一封信开头_The beginning of a letter to mother 4篇

发布时间:2022-06-26 14:54:28 阅读:134 点赞:0

关于”给一封信开头“英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:The beginning of a letter to mother。以下是关于给一封信开头xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The beginning of a letter to mother

Dear Mr. / MS, I hope you have a pleasant flight. Thank you very much for yo coming.

We hope you have a good time in China. Yo arval bngs us some pfound ideas, so that o company can better change o face. We are looking forward to opportunities to meet you and learn fm you faithfully.




Dear mother, mother's Day is coming. I want to say in this letter that mother's Day is happy. I love you.

Thank you very much for all you have done for me today. I will leave here. I can't express my gratitude to you at home.

I know I will watch it by myself. So don't worry about me. My grades are very good.

My clasates and teachers are very good. Although I can't be at home, I hope you have a wonderful mother's day. Yo son, Li Ming.




Dear mother: Goodbye no, I miss you very much. How are you? And my sisters? Do they do their homework well? You see, the Spng Festival is coming. I've been looking forward to seeing you ding the Spng Festival.

Howr, I have to stay at school. I can't go home ding this winter vacation. I have to take the postgraduate entrance examination.

I have a lot of lessons to review. At the same time, I have to attend lectes by some famous pfessors. I think these lectes will give me a lot of knowledge, which I can't get fm textbooks.

I can't go back to celebrate the Spng Festival. I apologize. Everything goes well for you.

Please give my best wishes to my sisters on January 31.





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