
发布时间:2023-11-14 13:24:16 阅读:206 点赞:0

关于”生社会责任“英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Social responsibility of students。以下是关于生社会责任高三英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Social responsibility of students

Guide D: learn to look at the picte carefully, wte an article, descbe the picte, explain its meaning, and point out its impact on o life. The above scene depicts the ws of students at the graduation ceremony, and their academic caps and gowns mean that they have succesully completed the cose and are ready to enter the society. The hand in the foregund holds o all s, implying that such students are the s to maintain the society and ense the normal operation of society.

Such ogies encoage us to think about o goals and o place in life, and many people have grand aspirations to impve and change their respective communities and countes, and no single unit can unite without s. Therefore, success depends on aller tools or parts to prnt structal collapse, just as s are all and basic objects that are strenened and maintained Therefore, we should stve to steadily support the society in which we live and work, rather than o seous efforts. The society can not maintain so safely.

Screws can also pmote a special point of view. Human society is bad, seemingly boundless, and humility is also important. No matter how great one's achiments are, a person is still just one of a huge machine But if you're a stng , you have to be a .




As we all know, a person is concerned among ordinary people. Therefore, his or her behavior should be very careful to ense that it does not bng bad influence to the public. At the same time, he / she should bear responsibilities.

For example, Jay was a famous star in Asia a few years ago. He expressed his dissatiaction thugh amidia. His disrespect for the Mainlanders deeply ht them and was forced to stay in the public for a long time It also makes many agers feel angry when they are expelled fm public places.

It is obvious that one should take responsibility becse their fear is universal.




We Chinese attach great importance to the sense of responsibility. It is o traditional Chinese custom to take care of o parents. In the pcess of o gwth, we owe them a lot of love.

It's ght. Then, when they get old day by day, we them to get such care. As a loyal Chinese citizen, we should repay the one they give us Some love and care, we must have a stng sense of responsibility for o country, therefore, we have the responsibility to keep China stng in the world, we must study and work hard for China's pspety, China's pspety depends on advanced science and technolo, we must be willing to join the army to defend the country, in short, if we are threatened by the aggressors, we should do a responsibility Responsible citizens, we must ultimately put the welfare of o country above o own needs.

We must remember that we are responsible for the world we live in, and we must learn to live in peace with the rest of the world and ptect o envinment. If we fulfill these responsibilities, we will be respected citizens of o country.



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