英语倡议书的万能句子_Sentence of proposal 2篇

发布时间:2022-06-26 15:05:50 阅读:154 点赞:0

关于”句子“英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Sentence of pposal。以下是关于句子xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Sentence of pposal

Note: in this section, you can wte a composition on this topic in a few minutes. You should wte at least a few words, and yo composition should be based on the outline given below: an appeal letter June dear fends, I am wting this letter to call attention to the crent human disaster. Some of you may know that In the past few years, floods, dughts, landslides and sandstorms have been frequent on o planet.

Not long ago, the tsunami swept thugh Southeast Asia, csing great damage. All of this is a wake-up call for , so it's time for us to work together to save the earth. It's a top poty.

We should plant as many trees as possible, especially in ad areas. At the same time, we should stop deforestation. We can save o planet in many other ways, such as saving water and using recycled paper, so don't Hesitation, take these meases, n a all action is meaningful to o earth.

Please join us to ptect o earth. If you are willing to do something to save o earth, please start fm the all things nd you. Thank you sincerely, Li Ming.




Ener shortage is a social and economic pblem in China's dlopment. This basic national condition determines that China must take the ad of building a conservation oented society. Therefore, we must pay attention to saving rything nd us, such as the electcity of ry unit, ry dp of water and ry piece of paper, so as to form a good habit of saving resoces.




Suitors, gentlemen, children, grandfathers and all the people with love in their hearts. When you dnk coffee in the bar, spend money on s in the park, and buy big coats in the big , do you know that many people are gry becse they have no money, many children who can't go to school or n many people die becse they are too poor to go to the hospital to see a doctor. Yes, you don't know them, and their suffengs have nothing to do with you, but do you know that if each of us s them a little, they will stay away fm ger, they can go to the doctor, and the children can go to school to learn.

If you love them, all you do is a pencil, a bag, some coat you don't want to wear, or a doll, and you give it to him Thank you very much.



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