
发布时间:2024-01-25 13:16:38 阅读:38 点赞:0

关于”人生没有太晚开始“英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Life doesn't start too late。以下是关于人生没有太晚开始xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Life doesn't start too late

The summer vacation is over, and the new semester begins. I am a sixth grade student. In pmary school last year, in order to have a good ending, I must work harder so that my grades can be better.

In addition, I want to spend time with my clasates and fends. We have been very good all these years. Maybe we can't be clasates.

But I'm still very happy that this is the last year of pmary school. I'm going to junior high school.




Text acceleration reader banish Pinyin csality at the beginning of my sentence with capital letters with fingers, s with closing punctuation wall W + 1H who / Dong what / when / where / why / how5w + 1H A kind of This is my mother A kind of My mother cooks for me A kind of Every day, my mother cooks for me (when) A kind of Every day, my mother cooks for me in the kitchen A kind of Every day, my mother cooks for me in the kitchen to keep me healthy (why) ☞☞☞☞☞☞☞☞☞☞☞.


文字加速读取器放逐拼音★★★因果关系在我句子开头用大写字母用手指空格用结尾标点词Wall W+1H Who/dong what/when/where/why/how5W+1H▪这是我(谁)▪我给我做饭(做什么)▪每天,我给我做饭(什么时候)▪每天,我在厨房给我做饭(哪里)▪每天,我在厨房里给我做饭,让我保持健康(为什么)☞☞☞☞☞☞☞。


I will go to university in the near fute, which is a new envinment for me. I feel very excited in the University. I will have a new goal.

The university is different fm high school. Of cose, I should impve my study methods becse I am far away fm my parents. The most important thing is that I should know how to live alone.

Maybe, I will feel lonely. First of all, I am not afraid, becse there are some in the University Many activities, I will participate in some of them in this way, I can make my college life colorful. Last but not least, I should get on well with my new clasates.

I don't think it's difficult for me, becse I'm a happy girl now. I'm looking forward to enjoying my life in University. I beli it will be very nice.



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