关于保护环境的英语演讲稿_Speech on environmental protection 5篇

发布时间:2022-06-10 15:13:52 阅读:125 点赞:0

关于”保护环境演讲稿“英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Speech on envinmental ptection。以下是关于保护环境演讲稿初中英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Speech on envinmental ptection

I'm very honored to be invited to give a speech on the envinment, becse we all know that the envinment is very important to us, becse it has a great impact on us. In fact, we can do a lot of things to impve the envinment, such as planting trees, collecting waste paper, wting to the local newspaper to remind you that I think the most important thing is to let ryone know its importance and ryone should contbute to it. As long as we work hard, we can do it.

We firmly beli that we can do it together.




Every time my father and I went to the U.S. Geological Be to do a bit of fun, I remember when I went to the U.S. Geological Be to do a bit of fun, I remember that when I went to work, my father and I were cuous about where to go "Why does an old man go to work by bike ry day? He doesn't have enough money to buy a car." his father lghed, "no, it's not becse of money.

He's one of the grea scientists in the world. If he wants to, he can afford to buy a motorcade. He's just an envinmentalist.

He usually doesn't dve unless he goes shopping, or in bad weather in the United States, there are many envinmentalists who actively ptect him Ptect their envinment. For example, in Palo Alto, where we live now, there is n a bicycle work day ry May to encoage people to reduce air pollution csed by cars. "We need fresh air to breathe, we need pe water to dnk, we need a clean envinment to keep healthy.

People must stop litteng. We must respect o week We have to be fends of the earth first, ryone has to be involved, we have to us clean up o neighbors together. Second, we can ptect what we can reduce waste and reuse.

We can recycle paper, bottles and plastic. We can put "don't litter" sis on ry corner. We can put them in ry corner Garbage we can pick up garbage when we see it.

We must take actions to fight against pollution. This is o fute. We have the responsibility to keep o planet clean.

So please don't pollute. Don't litter. Don't be afraid to remind others.

Ptect the bety of nate. Let's start cleaning up now.




The mane envinment is a complex resistant to hydlysis and suspended solids, seabed sediments and mane oris in water and sea water. The ocean is ch in biological resoces, mineral resoces, chemical resoces and electc power resoces. It is an indispensable trease house of human resoces, which is closely related to human svival and dlopment.

At present, the main goal of mane ptection is to ptect mane living resoces, According to the United Nations svey, poty should be given to the ptection of precious and extremely endangered mane oris csed by overfishing, accidental capte and killing of non target oris to allow ting of the ocean, construction of coastline, mangve felling, and large-scale mane pollution. At least the world's most valuable fishery resoces are exhsted, and whales, ttles and sea are exhsted Many mane animals, such as cattle, are in danger of extinction. It is estimated that with the expansion of mane dlopment scale, mane biological resoces may cse greater damage.

Firstly, we should ptect the ghts of mane living resoces, and secondly, we should ptect the habitats or habitats of mane oris, especially their migration, spawning and foraging, and avoid predators such as coasts, beaches, estuaes and coral reefs Mane pollution, such as metals, pesticides, oils, oric matters and easily pduced nutents, should be ptected for the natal regeneration and water pufication capacity of mane living resoces, and the mane ecological balance should be maintained to ense the sustainable dlopment and utilization of the ocean.



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