
发布时间:2023-07-16 13:27:49 阅读:30 点赞:0

关于”我和我朋友“英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Me and my fends。以下是关于我和我朋友小学英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Me and my fends

My fends and people who know me think I am intverted, so my good fends are very rare. My best fend is called rattlesnake (not her real name. She is the same age as me.

We have known each other since the first grade of pmary school. Although we are not related by blood, o neighbors have better academic performance than her crent sisters, and n better than me. To be honest, I am also jealous of her many attempts to spass The she is, the lazy she is.

She is a very ambitious person and hopes to become a stng woman. Therefore, I am in her eloquence and slightly better than mine. Anyway, we will always be fends.

I will always support her and hope o dream will come true.




2:我和我朋友,Hello ryone, my name is Zhang Li. I am

12 years old. I am in class

4, grade


I like playing football, running, swimming and drawing. Yang Hua is my fend. He is my deskmate.

He is taller than me. We have the same hobbies. We often play football or swim together after school.

This is my fend and I. We also want to be yo fend.




3:我和我朋友,Fends can be divided into o categoes: good fends and bad fends. Evil fends can lead us astray and may desty o lives, while good fends will dve us in the ght direction and make o life succesul. Howr, ideal fends exist in people's hearts.

When you need , they should be diligent, succesul and loyal. They will stand by yo side and be willing to you. In my opinion, you can share yo happiness and sadness, fends can share some things, but they should also keep their secrets, so I hope my fends don't have to On the other hand, my fends should have something in common with me.

In this way, we can attract and learn fm each other.



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