
发布时间:2023-07-10 12:54:29 阅读:342 点赞:0

关于”最喜欢菜和做法“英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Favote dishes and practices。以下是关于最喜欢菜和做法高一英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Favote dishes and practices

The recipe of Qiaotou in Mi County: Yunnan raw mateals: jifong, zhusun tou, zhuyaozi mullet, squid, water, oil, Yudu, ham, coander, onion, blue cheese sce, water, bean skin, Chinese cabbage heart, Wandan tip, onion, bean sput, shiitake, mixianke. Method: after sliced meat, weizhuo will bleach the water cooler plate, and then boil the rest Water, until the cooler floating section plate coander, scallion, chili oil and soup pot ce flavor together into the bowl, po into the hot bth, add spices to serve, first the fresh meat to white heat, slightly scald the vegetables, then add ce flavor, eat a little Conghua, coander top.




Since it's wtten in English, I think I should talk about Canadian recipes. I want to wte about mashed potatoes. To make mashed potatoes, you have to add water to the pot, boil it down, and wait a few minutes.

We can make sce. Sce is really easy to make. We have to heat some butter and butter in the micwave oven, and then we can mash the potatoes and add the sce Juice, you can add milk if you want (add salt and pepper later to add some flavor-.




http://yinuzuowencomcn/daxue/htmlshreded Green pepper pork ingredients: G pound) pork fillet g pound) green pepper grain / 6 TSP) salt g / 4 tsp) monosodium glutamate g TSP) corn starch and water mixte g tbsp) cooking oil egg white g TSP cooking wine G 1 / 2 tbsp water instructions: cut meat into sral cm inches) len and ( inch) thickness and width, put into a bowl, add g (1 / 6 tea) Stir until the mixte becomes sticky, add egg white and dry corn starch, stir well, cut the green pepper into shredded meat similar to the meat, heat the oil to ° C ° f), and then stir the pork shreds until they are finished. Take out and filter out the oil: C and put in 2 / 3 tbsp. Stir fry the shredded green pepper in the pan for 1 minute, add the shredded meat, cooking wine, salt, monosodium glutamate and water, and mix the corn starch and water Close to the boiling point, thicken the sce, and take it out for consumption.

Feates: the meat is white, with a light pink color, while the pepper is attractive green flavor: the meat is tender, the green pepper is csp, this dish is salty to the point.



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