
发布时间:2022-12-16 15:00:30 阅读:143 点赞:0

关于”就业方面话题“英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Employment topi。以下是关于就业方面话题专业英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Employment topi

Major and work when students come to the University, they will take their major as a major nt, becse the major determines their fute. Most students will consider the potential of their work when they choose their major. In my opinion, each major will have a relative job potential.

It is o efforts to us become a succesul graduate student. I have to find a job and I accept it very much More interviews, but I haven't found a good job, so I'm still fighting for my fute. My major is English.

Before I chose English as my major, many people told me it was easy to find a job. I also studied the information I chose online. But now I realize that it's easy to find a job, but it's not easy for some high school students to ask me what I think about this major No major can give you a bght fute.

You need to stand out and then you will achi great success, no matter what major you study.




In the painful transition fm a planned economy to a economy, depending on the savior or or relying on themselves, there are millions of laid-off workers in China. With the acceleration of the reform pcess, will be laid off. The new unemployed are indifferent to the new employees who complain about social pblems and enjoy their leise time.

Some of them are just passively waiting for . In addition, they are very picky about the work assied by the government. Their typical job requirements include high salary, decent social status, and good working envinment, which disappoints them.

There is no such job yet. They let the good opportunities slip away. In contrast, the majoty of the unemployed are praatic, brave in the face of challenges and seizing any opportunities confidently, instead of complaining and relying on others.

They are actively looking for vaous jobs. They go to vocational training schools to learn new pfessional skills and work part-time jobs. Becse China is investing heavily in infrastructe construction, it pvides many employment opportunities, dreds of them Thousands of unemployed people have found better jobs and their success depends on their positive attitude.

With the rapid dlopment of China's economy, and monopoly will be replaced by free competition. People will have in finding good jobs. Just like vaous pducts, they have their own advantages and disadvantages.

Their prejudice against "indecent" work must be changed. What really matters is not what they do, but how good they are. No one wants to be fired, But it can open the door to better jobs.





First of all, for many students, n if they don't know what kind of job they want to choose for these students, finding a job first can them find their favote job by trying different jobs. Graduates are facing great employment presse, and thousands of graduates need to find jobs ry year They can't find a job when they leave school, and they will miss the best chance to find a job. But equally important is that one can gain expeence and baden one's hozons in his first job.



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