
发布时间:2023-10-18 10:56:45 阅读:59 点赞:0

关于”理想中生活“英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Ideal life。以下是关于理想中生活六级英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Ideal life

My former school life school is not only a place where students gather to have classes and learn knowledge. I mean, my ideal school must be equipped with modern facilities, and it should also pvide good living conditions for students. My ideal school life is basically normal.

I will often attend ry class and concentrate on studying the theme of school life. But we should not spend all o time on study. I want to join the ozation I am interested in.

I want to join the student union. Social communication ability is as important as learning knowledge. In fact, I don't think it is important what yo school looks like, but whether you will be in Yo school, so we should make full use of what o school pvides us to learn fm Hardy.




Life is , should be satiactory, should not have too many difficulties, should not exceed the limit of my ideal life, we must first have a place to live, not a big mouse, not necessaly a garden house, but must have sunny windows, if the sun is only square meters ry day, but it belongs to my free , I live in the house after it bned out happy I can wear clean and warm, lazy, can put a pile of blankets in the middle of a pile of clothes in the middle of the Eighth National People's Congress to sleep in a place, at night leisely dnk a glass of red wine, can stand by the window to listen to music and fends. My ideal life, have a job, not necessaly high salary class, white-collar workers' income is not just enough to live a normal life, I want to intduce in detail Here's the income dlopment plan: eating, going to bars, shopping, phone bills, kindness to my parents, occasionally getting a fashionable ideal life that I don't need. Too much food to keep a slim fige does not need too many vaeties.

This will make me become picky. I like to eat fish, fruit and vegetables, eat six betiful all, and then go out for a walk, bwse and the people beeen the street view My ideal life, also has a close love, he does not need to be handsome, ch, but he has a wide range of knowledge and a wonderful sense of humor, the important thing is that I have a tacit understanding and resonance, in a kind of interlinked eyes to read each other, he should be geneus and open-minded, honest and kind, frank, not stin, not paranoid, we care about each other, in order to encoage each other to open their eyes ry day When we come to each other, when we face any difficulties with a ile in my sleep, we can first think of each other as my ideal life, and fends are indispensable. In any pain, the motivation that I can svive is that my fends often don't meet.

In this case, we can chat or chat in the bar fm time to time, instead of going to the countryside together with each other And n travel abad.




In my understanding, if we call the ideal university life the formal western food, then the high A, that is, the average score, should be the main cose, while active participation in activities, coupled with communication, means some mantic appetizers. Of cose, playing the le of dessert is the key element of college life. Howr, this is not all we know about college life There is a huge difference beeen University and middle school.

It not only connects agers and s, but also connects the ivory tower and the real society. Therefore, the ideal university life is that my body and mind are mate. At the same time, I also oain qualified academic knowledge, and at the same time, I am fully prepared for the society.

In this case, I nr expect my college life to be too ideal, or you can say it's too perfect. It's unrealistic that rything depends on my own way. Everyone likes me and always wins the first pze.

Of cose, I like to live a carefree life, but it's not good for my fute. What really s is difficulties like faile, betrayal and unfair treatment. Only by expeencing these can I know what society is like and what life is like What I want to say is that some positive expeences are definitely part of the ideal university life, but I should not forget the negative side, they are also necessary.



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