
发布时间:2024-03-14 12:51:56 阅读:15 点赞:0

关于”做调查“英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Do research。以下是关于做调查高三英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Do research

How old are you () / how much do you earn () / you're mared (thank you very much, but I'm very busy on Satdays. No, I don't want to go. I want to play tennis, but I have other things to do.

I don't want to play tennis with you. How much) transaction pce tag% 5%.


你多大了()/你挣多少钱()/你结婚了(非常感谢%%I'm sorry.但是我星期六很忙。不,我不想去。我想玩网球,但我有别事要做。



The most siificant contrast is in Teaching:% of the girls want to be teachers, while only% of the boys want to do this job%, the boys want to do business, and the other% want to be a lawyer. Girls account for% of these o aspects. Boys' favote field is to become s.

The second largest gup hopes to become scientists besides teaching The second choice for girls is to be a scientist And the number of s is not all, girls also want to show their ability in these o areas.




With China's opening to the outside world, cultal exchanges beeen China and forei countes have become increasingly frequent. Masteng at least one forei language has become a necessary skill for o people, especially for young people. Forei language learning is important than Chinese learning.

Vaous factors can explain this situation. First of all, good communication skills and forei language ll can young people find a good job Job ting and n career may be meaningless. Therefore, some students may not chesh it.

In addition, fewer and fewer universities are carrying out Chinese learning on campus, which makes it marginalized in this situation, and Chinese is becoming and unpopular in universities. Obviously, pfessors in the field of Chinese language research are not as respected as before. In view of this situation, we should first take effective meases to change it.

The whole society should emphasize the importance of Chinese so as to make it clear that it is an indispensable part of Chinese culte and the Chinese nation. Second, schools should pmote the study and research of Chinese. In addition, we should contbute to the learning and ptection of Chinese.

To sum up, we should attach great importance to Chinese, becse its importance has nr been exaggerated.




标签: 女生英文名  宠物英文名  QQ英文名 

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