
发布时间:2023-07-14 05:22:07 阅读:49 点赞:0

关于”我寒假生活“英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:My winter vacation 。以下是关于我寒假生活六级英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:My winter vacation

In my opinion, my winter vacation will be very betiful becse I have a great plane. I will finish my homework first and then play with my fends. I would get up in the morning, do my homework in oaklock, and play at eight o'clock.

I'll play at ten o'clock, and I'll play at another time, so I'll be glad to know what yo plans are for this winter, and what are you doing dung the winter vacation.





My winter vacation is very interesting, my winter vacation is very interesting, I can play comr and watch TV at home. I also read some good books dung the winter vacation, becse o school attaches importance to the plan of results, so that we have the opportunity to do something we don't like to do in the rest of the class. I like the winter vacation too much, but I will soon start school again.

The end of it means the beginning of another kind of life A little yearning, but also a little afraid of imagination, eager to enjoy the new life, eager for .




I had a colorful winter vacation this year. In the first few days, I just stayed at home and had a good rest becse I was very tired in the final exam. Sometimes I watch TV, sometimes play comr s, sometimes read books in the middle of the holiday.

I went to visit my grandparents who live in the country. I stayed there for a while and then went home. Then I went on a tp.

Zhangjiajie is a famous scenic spot in Hunan Pvince. This is really a betiful place. At the end of the holiday, I had a good time there.

I reviewed my lessons and prepared for the new semester. I'm glad I had a meaningful holiday.





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