
发布时间:2023-05-17 00:11:15 阅读:169 点赞:0

关于”我对补课看法“英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:My opinion on up lessons。以下是关于我对补课看法初三英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:My opinion on up lessons

Many children struggle in school. Sometimes these pblems are csed by lack of interest. Sometimes they may be csed by yo children's difficulties in learning.

If yo child has difficulties in school, it doesn't mean that the child can't succeed in the end. There are many ways to yo child overcome the academic obstacles. One of the ways to solve the academic pblems is to let yo child work with a tutor.

Howr, before you hire a pvate tutor or enll yo child at a local learning center, you should first confirm whether yo child really needs the attention of a person. The first choice of tutor is to hire a pvate tutor. There are sral advantages of pvate tutong.

First of all, you can choose a tutor with expeence, teaching style and personality Second, pvate tutors can be arranged according to the time you need, not when the learning center is open, pvate tutors will come to yo home. Finally, yo children no longer need to transport yo children to and fm the learning center, but can have high-quality one-on-one interaction with their tutors, which enables yo children to build with their tutors Establishing a mentor expert relationship usually impves the understanding and retention of the information covered in the tutoal. On the other hand, although there are sral advantages to having a pvate tutor, you need to understand sral disadvantages before you hire a pvate tutor.

The first disadvantage of a pvate tutor is the cost, and the second is that you are responsible for backgund checks on the mentor, and you must check his or her eets It's not easy to recommend people and make se their qualifications are accate. Before you choose a tutor for yoself or yo child, you should consider many aspects. First, collect information about pvate teachers and learning centers.





(no make-up lessons) the summer vacation is coming. I thought I could have a rest after studying hard this semester. But my parents had their plans.

They asked the teacher to make up for my lessons. So I had to get up very early at six o'clock ry morning. When I got home after class, I had to walk a long way to the teacher's house.

It was very late. I had little time to play or n had a rest. It's been a tough time for me, but my parents told me, if I don't work hard now, I will achi nothing in the fute, what can I do.




(do you agree to make-up lessons on weekends), a student union conducted a svey on this, and finally came to the following conclusion: some students agree with this mease, they think that the mease has some advantages, for example, it can reduce students' playing time, let students review knowledge, them impve their grades, but this mease will benefit teachers a lot and feel tired His students do not agree with this mease. They think it is just a kind of tactical fatigue, which is not conducive to the allocation of time and a waste of time. They also think that it will increase the bden and is not conducive to the dlopment of students' personality.


(学校周末补课你是否赞成),某学生会对此进行了调查,最后得出以下结果:一些学生赞同这项措施,他们认为该措施有一些优点,例如,该措施可以减少学生玩游戏时间,让学生复习知识,帮助他们提高成绩,但这项措施会使教师受益匪浅感到疲倦 然而,其他学生并不赞同这项措施,他们认为这只是一种战术疲劳,不利于时间分配,浪费时间,他们还认为这会增加负担,不利于学生个发展。

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