
发布时间:2023-05-25 16:02:24 阅读:122 点赞:0

关于”三个保护环境论点“英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Three arguments for envinmental ptection。以下是关于三个保护环境论点初三英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Three arguments for envinmental ptection

To ptect the envinment, many people are actively against unfair treatment of people of color, women, animals, etc. Now what I'm talking about is fighting to respect o envinment. Although the envinment has no mouth to belittle what human beings have done to her, she retaliated thugh actions in the early days that the Chinese cut down.

There are a large number of trees at the soce of the Yellow River, which has led to the disappearance of large forests and seous floods. As a result, the Loess Plate, once covered with vegetation, has become a barren wasteland with fewer and fewer plants 。 Another example is that in some dloped countes, becse many chemical plants emit toxic gases without filtration, cities are covered with so many toxic gases that people are killed by the air. They breathe in such a terble envinment.

What we suffer is only a all part of what nate has suffered. If we do not take action to respect the envinment, we will have to face one It's a and terble situation. We should take meases to ptect o envinment.

First of all, the government should phibit the destruction of vegetation, vers, lakes and oceans. Third party enterpses should pay special attention to their impact on the envinment and find solutions. Only by changing the way we treat the envinment can we live in harmony with the envinment and save the envinment.

Can we save oselves.





Nowadays, envinmental ptection has become the most popular topic in the world. Not only the government, enterpses and individuals pay close attention to it, but we have to admit that we live in a real society, and there are too many goals. If we don't have enough funds, we can't achi them effectively.

Unfortunately, envinmental ptection and pollution contl are high-tech and top-notch people Without these supports, a pollution contl pcess may not only be meaningless in this case, but also the government and enterpses must have enough funds to intduce high-tech and top talents. Therefore, there must be enough funds to implement envinmental ptection, that is to say, to us Make a good change in the envinment.




We should live a low-carbon life. We'd better de a bicycle or walk instead of dving. Instead of using plastic bags, we should carry a bag with us when shopping.

Secondly, we'd better not waste electcity, paper and so on. We shouldn't spit or litter in public places. We should thw the garbage into the garbage can.

We'd better plant trees, grass and flowers than cut down trees. I beli that if ryone contbutes to the envinment, o world will become and betiful.



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