
发布时间:2024-03-08 19:11:55 阅读:139 点赞:0

关于”手机发明“英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Invention of mobile phone。以下是关于手机发明初三英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Invention of mobile phone

Before the advent of devices now known as mobile phones, the dlopment of mobile phones be with the ing of wireless phones on military trains beeen Berlin and Zosen, and public tals be with telephone connections on trains beeen Berlin and Hambg. The company was established beeen Berlin and Hambg to pvide train telephone equipment and telephone s on German trains, beeen Hambg and Berlin Reichahn and impeal post were appved and used for the first-class passengers only, but in the years after the invention of the meineschen tube tranitter, the German parliament in Berlin led the expement of wireless phones. Bell 's mobile phone made its first mobile phone call in St.

Louis, Missou in June of the same year, and then the car radio of Bell Telephone Company of Illinois was cared out in MTS of Chicago on October 10. The telephone was composed of vacuum tube and relay, weighing than kg. Initially, the channel was only used by all users in metpolitan areas, and then To add to the css band channel.

With very few radio frequencies available, the quickly reached the world's first partially tomated car phone . Mobile a (MTA) was intduced in Sweden. Mobile phones are used for a vaety of pposes, including keeping in touch with family members, conducting business, using phones in emergency situations, and some people carrying than one mobile phone for different pposes, such as business and Personal use.

Multiple SIM cards can also be used to take advantage of different call plans. Specific plans may offer cheaper local calls, long-distance calls, international calls, or aming phones. Mobile phones have also been used in a vaety of envinments.

In today's society, it's very difficult to find anyone without a mobile phone.


在现在被称为移动电话设备出现之前,移动电话发展始于柏林-佐森之间军用列车上无线电话,公共试验始于柏林-汉堡之间列车上电话连接,该公司成立于柏林-汉堡之间,目是提供列车电话设备,并在德国列车上提供电话服务在汉堡和柏林之间航线上,Reichahn和impeal post是被批准和使用,这种电话服务只提供给头等舱旅客,但在Meißneschen管式发机发明后几年里,柏林德国国会了无线电话实验。贝尔移动电话服务于同年xx月在密苏里州圣斯市进行了第一次移动电话呼叫,随后伊利诺伊州贝尔电话公司汽车无线电话服务于xx月10在芝加哥MTS进行电话是由真空管和继电器组成,重量超过磅公斤最初只有大都市地区所有用户使用频道,后来增加到跨波段频道。由于可用无线电频率很少,服务很快就达到了世界上第一个部分自动汽车电话,移动A(MTA)在瑞典被引入移动电话被用于多种用途,包括与家庭成员保持联系,开展业务,在紧急情况下使用电话,有些人携带不止一部手机用于不同目,例如商务和个人用途。



As we all know, mobile phones play an important le in o daily life. But first of all, I think they have their advantages and disadvantages. Mobile phones make it convenient for people to keep in touch at any time, especially when they have important things.

It reduces the cost that people don't have to travel a long way to get to know things themselves. Second, we can send messages on mobile phones for only a all amount of money. We can also play s or take pictes or listen to music on mobile phones.

With the dlopment of science and technolo, we have done a lot of things on mobile phones, but they also have many disadvantages. We have to pay for the wng numbers that don't belong to us. Radioactive mateals can be harmful to o health, and sometimes ngs can affect other people in public places or meetings.





My favote invention in o life, there are many great inventions, such as lamps, pencils, bags. My father bught a car when he was that age. He took me to school on the first day of school.

It was so exciting. That day I fell in love with this invention. The car can go anywhere and save time, but it will also bng o envinment.

I can invent "clean" ”The car, I hope the car can enter ry family, I love the car.



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