
发布时间:2023-05-06 07:33:12 阅读:80 点赞:0

关于”收获难忘经历“英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Gain unforgettable expeence。以下是关于收获难忘经历小学英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Gain unforgettable expeence

We looked at the box and lghed. It was an unforgettable expeence. The first time you did something was unforgettable.

Although we couldn't do it on that day, we all felt very tired, but we were very happy becse we raised a lot of money for me. An unforgettable expeence was the first time I joined the Red Css Society. We were very spsed that only a few people would raise money for the Red Css Society and then ask them to do it for them The Red Css raised money.

We took the box, walked in the street, found some people in the street, some people n think we are cheaters, but we are not. We went on working all day and it wasn't always that good.




Everyone has some unforgettable expeence. Last semester, my leg was seously injed in a football match. I had to stay in bed for o weeks.

I was wored about my homework at home. My clasate Tom came to me. He told me what my teacher tght in class and ed me a lot in math.

I was deeply moved becse he tght me until I got back to school At that time, I cght up with my clasates, and we became the best fends. I really understood that it was an unforgettable expeence for ryone to share weal and woe. Everyone had some unforgettable expeences.

I will nr forget my first volunteer work last summer. O class went to a ral pmary school to the students there. We gave them some books and stationery, and then we talked about my expeence I used to be very shy in school life, but to my spse, I chatted with some students for nearly an ho without rest.

I was excited to share with them my effective learning methods. Finally, we played s together and volunteered. We were very happy.

I not only got happiness, but also became confident. This made me realize that giving is accepting this summer vacation. I went to Dalian with my family and took a plane to Dalian.

It is a very betiful and modern city. In the morning, we can see all kinds of buildings. They are very betiful, After breakfast, we went to o hotel.

We started o joney. First, we took the bus to Ocean Park, where there are many different kinds of fish. I can't beli my eyes.

We also saw the performance of dolphins. Then we had lunch in a restrant, which is very famous in China. Seafood is delicious.

After lunch, we went swimming. The sea was blue and the beach was gold We all like it. We finally went back to o hotel.

We had a good day in this tp. We also went to some interesting and famous places in Dalian and went shopping. A few days later, we left Dalian on o way home.

We were very happy. That's why we didn't feel tired at all. We had a good holiday.



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