
发布时间:2023-06-11 07:53:34 阅读:906 点赞:0

关于”美食介绍“英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Intduction to Chinese cuisine。以下是关于美食介绍专八英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Intduction to Chinese cuisine

Thank you. I'd like to try some Chinese food. What style of Chinese food do you like? You know nothing about Chinese food.

Can you give me some advice? It is divided into Cantonese cuisine, Shandong cuisine and Sichuan cuisine. What's the difference? Cantonese cuisine is lighter, Shandong cuisine is heavier, and spicy Sichuan cuisine is mostly spicy and tastes different. I really like spicy food.

What's yo suggestion for me? Mapo Tofu and chili sce shredded pork are very delicious. We have Sichuan food restaant. May I suggest you go to the third floor.




China is known as an ancient country with a history of 5000 years. When foreiers talk about China, the first thing they think of is that the food in different regions has different tastes. Chinese food is ing the world.

A netizen published an interesting story about his forei fends and fends who decided to go back to Btain. He was tired of spending so much time on the way to work in China, but a few days later, He came back becse he missed Chinese food. He couldn't eat Chinese food.

Then and people shared their forei fends' crazy anecdotes about Chinese food. What impressed people was that a foreier decided to spend sral years tasting vaous kinds of food. Howr, when the time was over, he still stayed in Sichuan for vaous kinds of food, which was a manifestation of the breadth and pfundity of Chinese culte We are pud of Chinese culte and hope that it will not be forgotten.




Dinner is the most important part of Chinese people's daily life. They usually choose to eat late. They eat, dnk, have fun and chat, which impves the fendship beeen people.

Howr, it depends on their national tonomy. It may take sral hos for them to have a meal.



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