保护濒危动物的英语作文_Protection of endangered animals 2篇

发布时间:2022-06-14 02:22:10 阅读:145 点赞:0

关于”保护濒危动物“英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Ptection of endangered animals。以下是关于保护濒危动物高考英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Ptection of endangered animals

With the dlopment of economy, people's life is getting better and better, but at the same time, many animals on the earth have been extinct. More and animals have lost their homes. They have no choice but to face the sadness of losing their relatives and fends.

This makes their living conditions worse. The answer is human secuty. Becse some people cut down a large number of trees in order to get ch, desty the forest, and make animals lose their homes.

In addition, some greedy people n t animals for money, which leads to terble consequences. Many animals, especially wild animals, are o fends. They play an important le in the ecological balance.

So, let's take actions, plant trees, build birdhouses and so on to ptect o earth.





Some people think that human needs for far, housing and industry are important than saving land for endangered animals. Do you agree with this view? Why or why don't you use specific reasons and examples to support yo answer in the past? There are many endangered animals now extinct. Does their disappearance have an impact on o envinment? Has o own quality of life changed these questions If we desty the habitats of endangered species in order to dlop far, there is a delicate balance beeen houses or industal parks.

If a all part is removed, it will affect all other parts. For example, if some trees are cut down, bats will have no habitat. If there are no bats, they will not be able to breed and there will be no animals Or birds eat certain insects, and o kpso envinment is affected by the lack of certain animals.

Some peanth butterflies pollinate, migrate fm Canada to Mexico, some butterfly breeding gunds, and now these flowers are disappeang fm some areas, and we can no longer enjoy their bety. O quality of life has changed. The United States was covered with big trees, and now we have to Go to a all park and visit them.

Rainforests nd the world are being cut down to make om for human beings. We will nr be able to see or study this fragile eco. I encoage us humans to have alternatives for o far, housing and industry that animals don't have.




Animals need to be ptected. Animals are a waste of natal resoces in human history. Animals were killed for their f, feathers, food and sports, just becse they prnted thousands of animals fm disappeang fm the earth.

Today, dreds of animals are on the danger list. In the United States, why should people care about animals? Becse we need animals, becse once they disappear, they will nr disappear There won't be any animals. They're not just betiful or interesting food.

They're not just a soce of food. Every animal has its place in the balance of nate. Destying an animal can cse many pblems.

For example, when farmers kill a large number of eagles, farmers' corn and grain stores are destyed. Why? Becse Eagles eat mice and mice, and no Eagle records them Some people are trying to save animals. Some gups raise money to let people know.

They are trying to get the government to ptect animals in danger thugh laws. Quite a number of countes have passed laws that phibit the killing of any animal or plant on the dangeus list, the number of animals in danger Increasing:.



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