
发布时间:2024-04-05 03:27:25 阅读:20 点赞:0

关于”全球变暖给生活带来影响“英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:The impact of global warming on life。以下是关于全球变暖给生活带来影响xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The impact of global warming on life

One of the most seous pblems of global warming in fnt of the world is that there are some reasons for global warming. First of all, people cut down trees and forests at will, and people bn them rywhere and n don't allow people to waste freely. This is another reason.

Therefore, we should try o best to save money. We should encoage others to do so if we do If we do, the stage will be better, if we don't take any action, becse the war is getting warmer and warmer and the water ll is sing, it will cse subsidence and threaten people's activities.




At present, global warming, with the economic dlopment of all countes in the world, may feel that the climate is getting warmer and warmer. The greenhouse gas composed of carbon dioxide is considered to be one of the biggest cses of global warming, which is very seous, but many people can not realize this, becse only in this way, they do not care about climate warming, they do not care about ice melting, they do not care how much movement Extinction they don't care how many coastal cities are flooded. They don't mind that they're wng.

Global warming has a lot of powerful effects on us. For example, global warming will bng physiological pblems. People will become and sick and n breed new diseases.

People will pay and for medical treatment, but and people die, n the best doctors, n if they are not You are not dead, and you can't save yo life. You will feel sad and lonely. The death of so many relatives and fends will make you want to commit suicide.

Global warming will bng great power to the air and the sea, so that large and n super typhoons, hcanes, tsunamis and other disasters will occ. Many houses will be destyed and many places will be flooded. We will face and disasters, n disasters More money and the se of life temperate will not only cse sea ll se, but also lead to dught in large areas, which will lead to the reduction of food pduction.

We will have no food. If the temperate continues to se, people all over the world will face food shortage. There will be and food wars.

Animals will come out of hibernation very early, but there is no food supply for svival Insects will eat a lot of forests and cps. Without forests, there will be no natal enemies. Global warming will become and seous, forming a vicious circle without cps, which means that there is no human food.

The most seous global warming is in the ice age in the film the day after tomorw. This is a scene that happens, so we must do something to avoid these things. First of all, we should use and clean ener and reduce oil and coal.

Secondly, we should go to work by bus or walk instead of dving to work. We should plant trees. Most importantly, we should cultivate Festival in o daily life Ener saving habits.




Global warming global warming centigrade global warming according to the National Academy of Sciences, the earth's sface temperate has sen by about Fahrenheit in the past centy. In the past 20 years, with the acceleration of climate warming, there is new and powerful evidence that most of the warming in the past few years is csed by human activities, which are mainly thugh greenhouse gases (mainly dioxygen dioxide) The accumulation of carbon and methane changes the chemical composition of the atmosphere. The endothermic pperties of nitus oxide are beyond dou, although it is uncertain how the earth's climate reacts to them.

The ener fm the sun dves the earth's weather and climate, which in tn heats the earth's sface. The earth radiates ener back into , greenhouse gases such as water Steam, carbon dioxide capte part of the ener output, retain heat, a little like the greenhouse glass plate without this natal "greenhouse effect", the temperate will be much lower than now, due to the greenhouse gas earth.



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