关于手机的英语作文_mobile phone 3篇

发布时间:2022-04-29 11:40:01 阅读:574 点赞:0

关于”手机“英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:mobile phone。以下是关于手机高考英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:mobile phone

Nowadays, mobile phones are becoming and popular and have become a necessity in daily life. Mobile phone is not only a tool for communication, but also a symbol of fashion. Mobile phones have many functions, which make o life convenient and happy.

On the one hand, it is easy to carry, so we can make phone calls and send messages anytime and anywhere. On the other hand, it can also be used as a comr. We can sf the Internet and get the la news thugh mobile phones.

Moreover, some mobile phones also have the functions of digital camera and digital player, so that we can enjoy it in o spare time. Everything has o sides Mobile phones also have some disadvantages, becse most students have mobile phones. They always focus on mobile phones, but seldom pay attention to learning.

This is not a good phenomenon. On the other hand, if we focus on one thing, the mobile phone ngs, we may feel annoyed. Moreover, many people always lose their mobile phones becse there are bad people rywhere.

When we lose a mobile phone, it costs a lot of money. In my opinion, mobile phone is just a mobile phone, which is a kind of communication tool. We don't need to buy a very luxious mobile phone.

We should pay attention to the following points: first, we should use them correctly; second, we should not compare o mobile phone with other people's mobile phone; and We must take good care of o mobile phones when we are outside.





(mobile phone) with the acceleration of the pace of modern life, and mobile phones come into ry family. Now almost ry college student has a mobile phone. Whether the mobile phone should be used or not, many people think that they are s and can contl themselves, so that they can easily and quickly keep in touch with their parents or fends whenr and wherr.

Howr, some people think that they should not use it becse they are students now. In business, it is useless to talk back to their fends or parents who should spend money. If they use mobile phones in school, it may increase the financial bden of the family.

Sometimes the bell will interrupt the learning of teachers and other students in class. I personally think that they don't pay much attention to study. On campus It is not good to use mobile phones.

They should focus on their study and realize that the main task of students is to study after graduation, and no one can distb them.




Directions: in this part, you can wte a composition about mobile phone in a few minutes: mobile phone, you should wte no less than words, and wte a composition according to the following outline: As shown in the fige, mobile phones are becoming and popular in China. The number of mobile phones used is only one million, but the number has reached one million. In this year, the number suddenly soared to one million.

There are many factors contbuting to this dlopment: first, mobile phones have no wires, so they can be easily cared nd; second, mobile phones are a wonderful thing that we can use S is used to enjoy the fun of news, s, music and chat. The decline of pce and the synchnous impvement of functions enable ordinary people to use mobile phones. The wide use of mobile phones makes it and indispensable in people's daily life.

Many feates of mobile phones make some people reluctant to separate themselves fm their mobile phones.


方向:在这一部分,你可以在几分钟内写一篇关于手机作文:手机你应该写不少于单词,并根据下面大纲写作文: 手机 如图所示,手机在越来越受欢迎,手机使用量只有百万部,但是这个数字达到了百万,在这xx年里,这个数字突然飙升到了百万,有很多因素促成了这一发展:第一,手机没有电线,可以方便地随身携带;第二,手机是一种奇妙东西,我们可以通过发短信来享受新闻、游戏、音乐和聊天乐趣,价格下降和能同步提高使普通人能够使用手机,手机广泛使用使其在人们常生活中越来越不可或缺。手机许多能使某些人不愿意把自己与手机分开。

标签: 宠物英文名 

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