
发布时间:2022-10-09 03:16:57 阅读:536 点赞:0

关于”我偶像卓别林“英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:My idol Chaplin。以下是关于我偶像卓别林xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:My idol Chaplin

Chaplin, Charlie, Btish film actor, director and pducer, was born in London in Apl and died in cosier, Switzerland in December. He lost his father when he died. He once made a living in entertainment and tou tupes, or worked in a pantomime company to perform in the United States with Carl.

He was filled with madmen by Amecan director M. since then, he be his film career in February, weang a bowler hat, holding a bamboo pole, stepping on big leather boots and walking ducks The image of Charlotte, the tramp of Charlotte, may appear for the first time in the film "beeen the showers". This image has become the symbol of Chaplin's comedy films.

In the rest of his life, he started fm Chaplin's independent film. Later, he made the rest of the comedy films. The famous films in the film history are "the gold rush", "the light of the city", "modern", "the dictator" and "ryone is a gentleman" 》These films reflect the pcess of Chaplin fm an ordinary humanist to a great ctical realist art Chaplin with exquisite performing arts.

They express sincere sympathy for the lower class workers, satize the vaous evils of capitalist society, and cticize Hitler, the fascist leader, after he was persecuted by McCarthy pnciple He was forced to leave the United States and settled in Switzerland. He made a satical film "the king of New York" which satized McCarthy. In the United States, he solemnly invited Chaplin to retn to Hollywood and awarded him the Oscar Lifetime Achiment Award.

He said that after Chaplin praised the founding of the people's Republic of China, he made immeasable contbutions and achiments to the film art in this centy.




Charles Chaplin one day, a little boy named Charles Chaplin was walking in the street of London. It was a cold winter. He wanted to buy some bread, but he had no money.

His father died when he was very young. He and his her Sid had to work to his sick mother. Although Charles was very young, he had a big dream.

He wanted to be a great man in the film industry, so he worked very hard to be an excellent dancer and singer. Thirty years later, the boy is one of the most famous people in the world; n if you don't know English, you can enjoy his movies becse there are no words in his films.




After the painter and sculptor who was born on June 8 in andelis, Chaplin is best known for his delicate portrayal of young girls, in fact, he is than Francois Boucher His son, who studied in England, was not a natalized Frenchman, but settled down there. He studied there. Although Chaplin finished many early works, including his flower research displayed at the fst salon and a large oil painting for Pnce Demidoff, his early works were famous for his stng natali It wasn't long before he changed his style.

He chose a style that made him a well-known painter, as we can see here, a feminine and elet portrait. He d with bght and delicate colors, and has made many achiments in his career. He won the third class medal in the suvante second class cabin, the first class medal in, and the Legion medal in.

In this scene, he becomes an officer, which is a typical work. He uses vaous disguises to repeat the poste of this charming little girl holding a basket of ses on her arm. She is sitting in a delicate silk dress, which may be the entrustment of an astocratic family to become his patn.

This is a delightful scene and undouedly one of the most commercially valuable works. Chaplin's works have withstood the of time and are still very popular today. His works can be seen in Bayor, Bayor, boge, Mulhouse, Rouen and the saint Museum.


在xx月8出生于安得利斯画家和雕刻师之后,卓别林最出名是他对年轻女孩细腻刻画,事实上,他比弗朗索瓦·鲍彻(Francois Boucher)更为成,他在英国学习儿子他并不是归化人,而是在那里定居下来,他在那里学习,尽管卓别林早年完成了许多作品,包括他在佛洛斯沙龙上展示花卉研究,以及为德米多夫王子创作一幅大型油画,但他早期作品以其强烈自然主义而闻名,没过多久,他就改变了自己风格,他选择了一种风格,使他成为一位有一定名气画家,正如我们在这里看到,更为女化和优雅肖像画。他用鲜艳而精致彩创作,并在他职业生涯中获得了许多成就,在每年一度苏万特二等舱获得三等勋章,年获得一等勋章,年被授予军团勋章。在这一场景中,他成为一名军官,这是一种典型作品,他用各种各样伪装重复着这个迷人小女孩手臂上抱着一篮玫瑰摆出姿势她穿着一件精致丝绸长裙坐着,这可能是一个贵族家庭委托,成为他赞助人。


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