关于学习的英语演讲稿_Speech for learning 3篇

发布时间:2022-04-29 11:39:44 阅读:133 点赞:0

关于”学习演讲稿“英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Speech for learning。以下是关于学习演讲稿初一英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Speech for learning

My dear teachers and fends: today, I stay here, I want to tell you something, but first of all, I'm not Superman, I'm not a , I'm just an ordinary person, an ordinary student, an ordinary person like you, my fend, what I want to say is: I know how to unite my fends like a team and give my hands to them Need o love and fends, no matter when and where, I will give you my 100% patience, we have stren, we have a great fute, when we finish o study, you will see it come to you beli me my fends and choose me thank you my dear teacher for giving me a precious opportunity to stay here, thank you for yo patience and Leeson.




Humans, like all other creates, have apparently changed their envinment, but their changes are generally dramatic than those of other species. Some of these changes, such as the destruction of the world's rainforests, the pvision of paste for livestock, or the drying up of almost three-quarters of the Aral Sea, were once the world's foth largest freshwater lake for irgation, leading to changes in climate patterns, which in tn changed flora and fna Species distbution, scientists are trying to understand the long-term impact of human activities on ecos, while envinmentalists are dedicated to experts in vaous fields. Citizens of the United States and other countes are trying to reduce the impact of human activities on population gwth in the natal world.

Human population gwth may be regarded as the ot cse of almost all world envinmental pblems, with and people each year Joining the world, with the increase of population, pollution will be pduced, habitats will be destyed, and natal resoces will be consumed. Even if new technological pgress can halve the envinmental impact on ryone, once the world population is doubled, the earth will not be better than before.




Learning English is very important for us, which is why we all know that Chinese is the most populous, but the knowledge of the western world is relatively advanced. In order to oain information fm them, we should not be art and think that they will realize themselves. We must find them, learn fm them, and finally gw up fm them.

We can dlop oselves Other countes will also learn o language. In order to ret these technologies, this is an endless cycle, which is the way of social and world dlopment. English is a very important skill.

One sixth of the people in the world may use Chinese. English is used by others. 5 / if we want to impve oselves, we can't seal o country like the old Qing Dynasty.

We must learn fm the best people, and then impve on the basis of the best we have fallen behind in the past few years, so we must do it now A step forward. In the new era, we don't think that's important. We should learn to be modest and hide o ambitions until we have the tools to do so.

Learning their language is an important step for us.



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