英语的写信格式_write letters 5篇

发布时间:2022-06-06 05:29:25 阅读:110 点赞:0

关于”写信“英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:wte letters。以下是关于写信高二英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:wte letters

How to spend the coming summer vacation? With the passage of time, the summer vacation is coming, whether it is important to make full use of the holiday? Here are some tips to talk about how to spend the coming summer vacation easily. I want to play with my old fends, and then go to some places where I think about it. Thirdly, I will my parents do some housework.

Finally, I'm going to visit relatives with my parents. I hope I can have a good day.




Dear Mike, it has been three weeks since I wte to you last time. I'm sorry I didn't wte to you often, but I've been busy prepang for the English pficiency , becse you have passed the English pficiency and got high marks. Can you give me some suggestions first? Can you recommend some reference books? There is no om for English pficiency , so a suitable book Is necessary second, can you tell me how many words I need to third, how to grammar best wishes and look forward to heang fm you soon yo Peter.




Dear, (Cindy Johnson) in-house address on July 4, salute dear father, Dear Tom, dear wife, dear Mr. sir, dear Pfessor Tim scares, dear Dr. John Smith, text of the letter Hello, compliment, dear, dear, dear, dear, dear, dear, dear http://kscnyahooocom/question/qid=.



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