英语中动词的用法总结_A summary of the usage of verbs in 4篇

发布时间:2022-06-06 10:33:20 阅读:124 点赞:0

关于”中动词用法总结“英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:A summary of the usage of verbs in。以下是关于中动词用法总结托福英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:A summary of the usage of verbs in

(comma (colon): (semicolon) (question mark) (exclamation mark) (DASH) - (quotation) (hyphen) (apostphe) a new English Chinese dictionary the party is to celebrate the mothers' silver wedding. Do you want him back tonight? The sky is blue. Don't cry.

She wants bread, meat, milk, sugar and tomatoes. He will come back fm Houston, and his sister will live for another month. The agreement stipulates the delivery of the following raw mateals: cotton, wool, jute, etc.

my mother told me that I would marry a ch sentry 20 years ago. Stop it.




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They have drawn up a list of questions nd their learning motivation at school and asked students to fill in the questionnaire among the students who have completed the answers. More than half of them mentioned that they hope to get high marks in the college entrance examination.




I am so happy today becse I have . My grandfather gave me . I must try to save it for university use.

Don't waste it. But I think I will allow myself to buy a new dress with part of it tomorw, and then I will deposit the rest in the bank.



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