
发布时间:2024-04-14 16:48:21 阅读:13 点赞:0

关于”介绍自己生餐“英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Intduce yo birthday meal。以下是关于介绍自己生餐初一英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Intduce yo birthday meal

What do we eat ry day? I want to tell you what my family has for breakfast ry day. We have some biscuits and milk. Sometimes lunch includes eggs.

We usually eat nuttious food. There are three dishes on the table, one is meat, and the other o are just vegetables. My family likes cucumber and cabbage.

We don't make soup or pordge. We like spicy food at last. Let me tell you What do you have for dinner? We don't eat much for dinner.

We usually have only one or o dishes. We have light food for dinner, so that's what we eat for three meals a day. Good food makes us all healthy.




I always eat at home in the morning. Breakfast with bread and milk is a good choice. Corn bread is delicious, but it costs me a lot of money.

I often have lunch at school. Let me have Amecan lunch. I like to eat any kind of poultry, chicken, duck meat.

Goose and dairy pducts. Beef tastes really good. It's not only delicious, but also easy to get fat.

It's nuttious. There are many kinds of meat, becse they come fm all kinds of animals, and each animal can use many ways make. There are many exotic meats in the world.

I hope that I will have the opportunity to taste my favote food in different ways. Dinner is the best dinner for me, becse my mother will definitely come to make omelettes and ded eggs for me, so I think I will spend a lot of money.





Three meals a day is very important to yo body. Milk, bread and eggs in the morning can you to increase ptein and have high nuttional value. If you are tired of eating breakfast, you can change other nuttion packaging.

At noon, eat vegetables and lean meat food. Don't eat too much fruit after dinner. In the ning, you can have dinner or fruit.

Don't eat too much. Oh, it's not conducive to digestion.



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