
发布时间:2023-05-17 05:52:17 阅读:173 点赞:0

关于”不同作息时间“英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Different work and rest time。以下是关于不同作息时间初一英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Different work and rest time

Today is Satday. I can go to bed late. Usually I get up at eight o'clock, wash my clothes, take a shower and brush my teeth.

I eat breakfast, eat bread and eggs, dnk a glass of milk. These are healthy food. After that, I go to the park to do sports.

I play bton with my bther. He can play bton well. I usually lose.

But I'm also happy that after that ho, I go home to watch TV. I have lunch at 11:30. I have lunch on Satday afternoon Sometimes I can draw at 4 p.m.

when I do my homework, I always de my bike after supper. It's very cool to see: the trees are high, the sky is dark, the lights are bght, the birds are sleeping in the street, and the cars are coming and going. Finally, like a betiful picte, I went to bed at a quarter past ten.




I get up at six o'clock ry morning. I have breakfast. I go to school at noon.

I go home for lunch. I go back to school in the afternoon. I have dinner.

In the ning, I do my homework and watch TV.




My name is XXX. I get up ry day and have breakfast after breakfast. I'm at school.

I work hard at school. Then I go home. I have lunch.

I exercise with my fends. Then I go home to have dinner. Then I do my homework and finish my homework.



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