
发布时间:2022-09-24 00:39:44 阅读:126 点赞:0

关于”话题活动“英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Topic activity。以下是关于话题活动小学英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Topic activity

Nowadays, the bden of middle school students is very heavy, becse they have to study after school all day. Their parents take them to vaous interest classes. But in my opinion, extraccular activities are as important as learning.

By participating in extraccular activities, middle school students can learn something they can't learn fm books. For example, students can cultivate their team by playing football or basketball Spit and sense of competition. In addition, school is not only a place to learn knowledge, but also a place to make fends, have fun and impve personality, all of which can be passed thugh.

Therefore, remember to spend some time in after-school activities.




Campus activities many universities have orized campus activities. These activities range fm academic activities to recreational activities, such as academic reports, social consultation s, speech cons, poets' clubs, painting clubs, song and dance tupes, etc. These activities first pvide students with o advantages: they play a positive le in students' learning, becse their schoolwork is heavy, students are often busy with textbooks, and rarely contact with colorful life.

Howr, the diversity of activities also pvides opportunities for them to relax, ench their thoughts and knowledge, and these activities also pvide students living in the ivory tower with opportunities to relax The opportunity to get in touch with the society. Now, these activities open the door for the participants to leave the classom and understand the society, which pvides an important way for students to baden their hozons thugh correct guidance and , and the activities will continue to dlop and psper.




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