
发布时间:2022-10-29 04:27:20 阅读:116 点赞:0

关于”下册一单元“英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Unit 1 of Volume 2。以下是关于下册一单元高一英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Unit 1 of Volume 2

My favote sport in the Olympic Games my favote sport my favote sport is table tennis. ① I was interested in table tennis when I was very young. I like the members of the Chinese team, such as Wang Nan, Zhang Yining, Ma Lin, Wang Hao and so on.

② I think table tennis is not only a sport, but also an art, becse it is a sport that needs stren. I like it very much Table tennis, becse it is o national sports, it is good for o physical health and brain training, and it can us learn to cooperate. In a word, I like it very much.

Although I can't play well, I still try to practice in my spare time. I often play table tennis with my clasates to impve my technical ll. I often watch TV I beli that I will become an excellent player in the near fute.




In some science fiction movies, people's fute has their own bots. These bots people do housework like human beings. Most people are tired of work.

Some scientists beli that there will be such a bot, but they also need to agree to spend dreds of years to become a reality. Scientists are trying to dlop human beings and can look like they are with us A bot works. Some Japanese companies have d bots that can walk and dance.

It seems interesting. But bot scientist James White disagrees. He thinks it's very difficult for humans to make bots do things.

For example, it's easy for a child to wake up and know where they are. White thinks that bots can't do this But other scientists don't agree with their thinking in the next step. A few years ago, bots and humans would be able to talk about bot scientists' research, not just trying to make bots look like human beings.

Now there are bots that can work in factoes, which look like a huge arm that can be repeated over and over again, and a Tasker Class does not like to do this kind of work, it is easy to get tired, but bots will nr feel bored in the fute. Robots will be rywhere. Human beings have to do much less work than new bots.

Some of them look like human beings. Other possibilities, such as a snake like bot after an earthquake, can find people bued under buildings But a dred years ago, comrs, ckets and n electc toothbrushes were considered impossible. We nr know what will happen next.




Dear editor, I'm very interested in this job. I've been listening to music videos since I was sn years old. I've been watching English movies since I was 10 years old.

I've been watching sports for sral years. I like sports very much. I've wtten in English since I was nine years old.

I love English. I think it's very important to study. Yo English is sincere, XXX.



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