
发布时间:2023-03-08 12:56:14 阅读:91 点赞:0

关于”雾都“英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Fog city。以下是关于雾都高一英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Fog city

Oliver Twist is a realistic novel wtten by Charles ens, an English wter. It is published in London. It tells the tragic life expeence and expeence of an orphan Oliver who grew up in an orpha and expeenced a difficult apprenticeship.

He expeenced many difficulties and bravely overcame the difficulties. At that time, he still had a good hope in his heart Hope and kindness, therefore, he got the of those who knew his life expeence and got happiness. I was moved by this insping story and this brave and kind little boy.

I think that no matter what happens, we will nr lose hope, kindness and coage, becse these are the dving force for us to move forward.




One of ens' most popular stoes is Oliver Twist, an early work, published like many of his later novels, with a central theme of the difficulties faced by the disenfranchised and those outside the upper class. Oliver himself was born in the slum, where he was cruelly treated, which is the normal of poor children at that time, especially by bamble, a pash council official or Biddle. The story tells the story of Oliver fleeing fm the workhouse to London.

He received the education of the in cminal g, including the cruel thief Bill Sikes and the famous cunning way Strange and Nancy, Bill pstitute Oliver is rescued under the intervention of a benefactor, Bwnlow, but the mysteous monks let the g kidnap the boy again. Nancy intervenes, but after she shows some redeeming qualities and finds out the monk's evil intention, she is viciously mdered by Sikes. The story ends happily, with monks who maliciously conceal the truth about Oliver's parent-child relationship out of malice accuse the book of glofying cme (like the Neate gup at the time), but ens wisely disentangles himself fm the cme , and his achiment is actually to show the ch the underworld and the poor in a rarely ted way Puzzling pblem previ ouslyhttp://zhidaobaiducom/question/html.




Oliver Twist is the second novel by Btish wter Charles ens, published by Richard Bentley. The story is about an orphan, Oliver Tz, who escapes fm the workhouse to London, where he meets the cunning dodge. Oliver, the leader of a gup of young pickpockets, is taken to the nest of their old cme coach in, innocent of their illegality activity.



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