
发布时间:2024-01-01 02:27:40 阅读:34 点赞:0

关于”喜欢上课“英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Like class。以下是关于喜欢上课中考英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Like class

I love movies very much. My favote movie is love me again, mom. This is a touching story about a mother and her son.

One day, my son disappeared. My mother was very wored. She looked for him rywhere, but she couldn't find him.

She was very sad and almost crazy. I think this is a good movie. It is so touching and sad.

I once ced and I want to watch it again.




Some people like different fends, some like similar fends. Compare the advantages of these o fendships. What kind of fend do you like? Why fendship is known to be one of the eternal themes in all languages and literate is that human beings need the warmth and lghter of fends when they are born.

Howr, we cannot make fends with anyone. We have to choose real fends. Some people like similar fends, while others are different.

So I prefer o fends with many advantages. When we have a gup of old fends who are willing to share the pain, we feel a sense of happiness and that old fends always know how to maintain mutual trust and avoid potential fction. I always feel happy when I meet an old fend after a long time of goodbye.

Suddenly, heartfelt lghter filled the whole atmosphere. Howr, I think that the mixte of fends has the same benefits at first. It has opened my vision by contacting different fends.

For example, I found that there are so many fends on campus to me to firmly beli in my beliefs. Second, I find that different fends can not only bng new sks, but also bng new things to my life Road, they can me solve any difficulties in my life.







The most unforgettable person in my life, I have met many people who have made a deep impression on me, but to some extent, the most unforgettable person is my English teacher. First of all, she is very patient and nr tired of o pblems. Moreover, she is knowledgeable and always pvides us with most of the information.

O vision is badened step by step. She has a pleasant personality. She always iles at us in ry class.

Her ile, knowledge and calmness make all students like her. She left a deep impression on me.



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