
发布时间:2023-07-02 02:48:37 阅读:84 点赞:0

关于”精读方法“英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Intensive reading method。以下是关于精读方法雅思英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Intensive reading method

A succesul uniform needs to balance o key needs: on the one hand, if employees feel uncomfortable or unsightly, then no uniform will work. Giving the wearer a choice has become a key element in the intduction and mament of company clothing. It is meaningless if the appearance can not express the ing strate of the enterpse.

The biggest challenge in this respect is when it comes to human perception First impression count customers change the image of employees in seconds, and change their attitudes in seconds (since then, these seconds have been so important to large companies that big companies are ready to invest) year after year, millions of pounds, let them do the Cambdge part P 1 pass a, B, e, f pass 2 pass 3 pass 4 pass general training Training: a and B 1 channel 2 channel 3 channel 4 channel general training: a, part 1 paragraph about the truth about the envinment) 2 paragraph 3 paragraph early childhood education) paragraph (disappear delta) paragraph artificial intelligence) 4 paragraph (wilderness Tou) general training: part a (lack of sleep).




The wages are too low. We workers are five yuan each, and you o have to charge dreds of dollars an ho. It's not fair.

Otherwise, we'll give up the boss. God, you treat the boss millies, hukidd millies or no millies. We don't care.

What we care about is that you should give us reasonable remuneration. Do you know, in addition to yo salary, we have to pay for gas and buy it Presents to o neighbors, they ed us a lot, you must see. Kids, we don't want to put you in an awkward situation, but we do deserve bosses.

How about one and a half dollars an ho? The boss (shakes his head) doesn't have children (almost in unison) o dollars, no less than the boss (nodding each other) to finish.




Deer and ener cycle: what can we learn fm deer dung the ener csis. Living in northern Minnesota, the thor was able to observe how deer svive when winter comes. The expeence he learned about the way deer conserve ener has pved to be applicable to o daily life "life." some people say that love makes the world work, while others are less mantic and practical.

They say it's not love, it's money. But the truth is, it's ener that makes the world work. Ener is the crency of the eco.

Only when food is converted into ener, and ener is used to find food to repduce and svive, all life depends on this cycle. As we all know, the svival of wild animals depends on the abundant season ry year. In summer and tumn, they eat as much as they eat.

They store excess fat, which is usually in the form of fat. Then they can use the stored fat to svive in the difficult peod of winter. When food is scarce, people may not know that n with the stored fat, wild animals do not consume it in winter Ener, not deer and ener cycle in summer.




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