
发布时间:2023-03-29 06:31:37 阅读:95 点赞:0

关于”题目是我新年计划“英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:The topic is my new year's resolution。以下是关于题目是我新年计划中考英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The topic is my new year's resolution

My new year's resolutions are coming soon. Now my new year's resolutions are as follows: in this year, I want to impve my English and Chinese, becse I'm not good at them, I'm not good at wting. I want to spend a lot of time practicing on them.

I will try my best. I want to learn how to swim better this summer, becse swimming is a good way to keep healthy. There is a swimming pool near o school.

I will go there with my best fend after school. He will me. We will have a good time.




A new year, a new beginning, when I stand on the edge of the new year, I can't thinking about the plan for the next year, just as the old sainville's start is half the success, so I decided that I should work while others are still relaxed, and then at the beginning I am faster than others, of cose I will get better results than others, but what I really decided to do is, I will Take advantage of any time I can spare, although it seems impossible, I will try my best to carry out my plan, which will pve so.




We must have a lot of wishes becse the new year means the end of things and the beginning of another thing, so we need to make a new resolution so that the next year will be better. I want to share my new year's resolution with you first. I decided to try my best to learn English, becse my English is too poor and has an impact My other subjects.

I will face many different situations, such as enlarging my vocabulary, training my listening comprehension, impving my wting ll and so on. I have to study hard becse I don't want to be behind the times. I will give up watching football s becse it takes o hos each time.

As a student, I haven't finished my homework. Learning is o responsibility. So I will focus on learning than playing football.

I will work hard for my fute.



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