
发布时间:2023-11-18 05:00:51 阅读:69 点赞:0

关于”家乡节食物“英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Hometown festival food。以下是关于家乡节食物初三英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Hometown festival food

Tunchang, my hometown, used to be a place where crystal sand was pduced. Now it is very desolate. Now there is a betiful ver in the middle of the village.

There is a pond full of lotus flowers in fnt of the middle stream. There are many fish swimming in the place where almond trees are planted. A tree is covered with sweet fruits.

Every family is covered with betiful flowers. Happy people live here in.




Today is a special day for us becse my fends and I saw the eclipse. It's very gloous and we shouldn't miss it. This is the most blliant natal phenomenon in 500 years.

Therefore, dung the solar eclipse, the sun is covered by the moon. Therefore, when looking at the eclipse, it is very gloomy outside. We should wear special sunglasses, otherwise it will be harmful to o eyesight.

In the south of the Yangtze River, the sun is completely covered by the moon, so that people can see the whole scenery. It seemed that night was coming and ryone was excited.





Today is a special day for us, becse my fends and I saw the solar eclipse, which happened in the early hos of the morning. It was so spectacular that we should not miss it. It is the most blliant natal phenomenon that occs ry 500 years, so it is worth seeing dung the solar eclipse.

The sun is covered by the moon, so it is very dark outside when watching the eclipse. We should wear special sunglasses, otherwise it will damage o eyesight. In the south of the Yangtze River, the sun is completely covered by the moon, so people can see the whole scene.

It seems that night is coming, and ryone is very excited.



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