
发布时间:2023-06-19 05:38:49 阅读:430 点赞:0

关于”做更多运动“英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Do exercise。以下是关于做更多运动初中英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Do exercise

My favote sport is basketball. It looks so cool on TV. I fell in love with those basketball stars since I was a child.

Basketball requires speed, height and skill. I run, jump, tn and try to hit ry part of my body. In this sport, I feel like the wind flying for my goal on the playgund, which makes me feel that basketball needs quick reaction and decision.

When the opportunity comes, it may disappear in the next second. I should stare at it like an eagle, decide and judge quickly like a leopard, and fight for it like a wolf. Basketball is not just a sport.

It needs teark. No one can play itself. A team should cooperate.

So I should learn to cooperate with others in this . I should understand what my teammates are doing and what they need me to do for him. I should learn to show my teammates what I need.

At the same time, I need to pay attention to the whole . I know the situation of o team What's the situation? How does the other team cooperate and strate. I have been playing basketball for many years, and I have made many good fends thugh this sport.

Pud of my team and my school for winning honors. I like playing basketball with my fends. It will be my best fend in the fute and my best fend's memory of school life.






In recent years, weight loss has become a hot topic in o life, especially in the female gup. Howr, weight loss has attracted people's attention, and there are many pblems. There are many ways to lose weight.

Some people lose weight by insisting on regular exercise. Some people take medicine to lose weight in order to lose weight. Some people tn to sgery, especially young people.

Therefore, the is changing It is understandable that people pay attention to the bety of all kinds of pducts, such as special drugs, tea and equipment. Howr, some people will have a lot of side effects when they lose weight. Some people lose weight by taking medicine, but at the same time, their digestive is also damaged.

Therefore, we should pay attention to the coordination of the body when we choose the way to lose weight. I think exercise is the best way to lose weight. On the one hand, we can exercise thugh exercise.

On the other hand, if we exercise regularly, o mind will be clearer.




I think it's important for ryone to do sports. I like sports becse it is not only good for my health, but also good for my study. My favote sport is swimming when I have free time.

After swimming, I will swim with my fends in the swimming pool. I usually feel happy and relaxed. I can put ener on my study, let us do sports, and we will become stnger and stnger.



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